4 Critical Steps to Defend Against Theft, Fraud, and Property Crime Charges in Minnesota

By Sullivan Rice

Is It Possible to Beat These Charges?

The short answer is yes, it is possible to beat theft, fraud, and property crime charges in Minnesota. However, ignoring the charges and hoping they'll go away is not the answer. Your rights, career, livelihood, family, and entire life could be on the line. To protect yourself, there are four critical steps you should take immediately.

1. Consult with an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney

Having a knowledgeable theft, fraud, and property crimes defense attorney on your side is crucial. They can guide you through the legal process, warn you of potential pitfalls, and prepare you for what lies ahead. Charges like theft, fraud, and property crimes are common in the criminal justice system, but their impact on your future is profound. A conviction can affect your ability to secure employment, housing, and education. Common charges include:

- Criminal Damage to Property (Misdemeanor - Felony)

- Felony Transaction Card Fraud

- Felony Welfare Fraud

- Felony Check Forgery

- Burglary

- Trespassing

- Felony Auto Theft

- Felony Medicare Fraud

For a free confidential consultation, contact St. Paul-based Jack Rice Defense at 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

2. Do Not Discuss Your Case with Anyone

It's vital that you do not talk about your case with anyone else—not even the police. The police are not there to help you; they are building a case against you and will use anything you say to strengthen it. Also, avoid discussing your case with the accuser or anyone else, as your words can be misunderstood, twisted, and used against you. The only person you should talk to is an experienced criminal defense lawyer, who can offer you confidential advice and support.

“The police are not your friends. They are building a case, and they want you to help them. Do not fall for that."

3. Act Quickly—Don’t Wait for Charges to Be Filed

The sooner you consult with a Minnesota theft, fraud, and property crimes lawyer, the better. An attorney can protect you from police interrogations and may even help you avoid charges altogether by getting ahead of the investigation. Jack Rice Defense regularly represents clients before charges are filed and has successfully prevented many from facing charges. If you're facing potential charges, don't wait—acting early can make all the difference.

4. Hire a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist

Just because you're accused of something doesn't mean it's true. False allegations happen all the time, and it is possible to beat these charges. However, this doesn’t happen by accident. It requires the right experience, expertise, and a strategic approach. Hiring a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist like Jack Rice can give you the best chance of success. With decades of experience and an award-winning track record, Jack Rice has successfully defended countless clients against theft, fraud, and property crime charges.

Don’t leave your future to chance. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation at 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.


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