Always Learning, Always Improving to Defend Clients Charged with Sex Crimes

I’m sitting in the airport in Las Vegas after spending days at the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyer’s “Defending Sexual Assault & Child Victims Cases” Seminar. It was multiple days, intense and it brought together some of the best sexual assault defense lawyers on the planet. That is why I spent the time and resources to attend. Trust me, this trip had nothing to do with gambling, shows, food or anything else. It was about bringing everything possible to the table to defend my clients facing sexual assault related charged in Minnesota.

“Being at the top of your game means not just being sharp but staying sharp. It takes ongoing effort, passion, intensity and desire.”

It is no secret that sex crime charges are some of the most difficult charges in the criminal justice system here in Minnesota. In fact, there are many in the public who place those charged with these kinds of cases lower than those charged with murder or everything else. As a result, if you are facing sexual related offenses like rape, child molestation, sex trafficking, solicitation and more, you need to make sure that your lawyer is at the top of their game. Contact an experienced sex crimes lawyer to discuss your case.

“Whether it is voir dire, crossing a forensic nurse, fighting search warrants or making a closing argument, always go with the best.”

When everything is on the line, this is no time to compromise. And let’s be clear, if you are facing rape charges, date rape charges, child pornography charges, prostitution charges, everything is on the line. This isn’t just about prison. It is about your reputation, your personal relationships, school, a career, everything.

Jack Rice is a nationally known criminal defense attorney, a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, a former prosecutor and a successful criminal defense attorney. Jack is also the founder of Jack Rice Defense, a boutique criminal defense firm located on Cathedral Hill in St. Paul, MN. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.


Fighting Search Warrants in Minnesota Child Pornography Cases


Precharge Representation on Rape Case Pays Off