As Violent Crime Rises in the Twin Cities, are the Police Failing?

Violent crime in on the rise in the Twin Cities. In the wake of George Floyd earlier this year, that is what the statistics are saying. In Minneapolis, the numbers are pretty startling, anywhere from 17% in certain areas to more than 30% in others. That is a startling figure. Of course, there are comparable numbers in St. Paul and Ramsey County as well. Some are suggesting it is about anger and violence tied directly to the frustration rising out of the George Floyd incident. Others are suggesting that it is because of the police slowdown and huge numbers of resignations from its ranks and that people are simply taking advantage of the vacuum.

From a defense perspective alone, I’m questioning the quality of the police efforts and the subsequent investigations that are coming out of the various precincts. If we are not getting the police at their best, what exactly are we getting? How thorough are their efforts. Is there continuity in the investigation or is there a re revolving door of different officers touching that case? These questions come to mind as I contemplate charges, future probable cause hearings, and even jury trials.

The burden of doubt is on the government. They have the obligation to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime was committed and that a specific person committed that crime. In the event that their work is questionable or even slipshod, this gives the Defense a lot of opportunities and obligations to highlight those problems.

As the months continue and the problems fester, we need to remain vigilant to make sure the government not only does their job but that they are held to account when they fail. This absolutely includes what happens when people are charged with domestic assault, sex crimes, violent crimes and more.


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No-Knock Warrants Should Be a Thing of the Past