Does Hiring a Lawyer in Minnesota Make Me Look Guilty?

Nobody want to appear guilty or to act in a way that causes the police to look at them more closely. This is natural. That being said, if the police are investigating you for a crime in Minnesota or worse, if you have already been charged and they want to talk, guess who is pushing the narrative, “Hiring a Lawyer makes you look guilty”? That’s right, the police! It is the police who do not want you to have an attorney. Why is that do you think? This can happen in sexual assault investigations, child porn allegations and domestic or other violence assault charges but can honestly happen in any criminal case. This article will look at multiple reasons why you want legal counsel by your side if you are being investigated for a crime or if you have already been charged. Contact an experienced Minnesota criminal defense attorney to talk about your case.

“If the police just want to talk, is it really a social call? They are trying to build a case and they want evidence from you to help them do it. They aren’t here to be your friend.”

What Exactly are my Constitutional Rights?

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you . . .”  Guess what, the police mean it when they say this. When the police are conducting a criminal investigation here in Minnesota, they are building a case and they likely won’t use that Miranda language at the beginning of an investigation when they are doing it. The evidence they acquire is used in the assessment of blame, charges and where to focus their attention. They have ideas, notions, opinions and more. This certainly drives them. However, it is the evidence they acquire to support those ideas, notions and opinions that will really matter at the end of the day, if charges come, if they can convict. So, when they just want to sit down with you, it isn’t to “get your side of the story.” It isn’t about trying to clear up a misunderstanding.  It is about figuring out whom to arrest. So, let’s get back to “your right to remain silent.”

You have no obligation to speak to the police and shouldn’t. This is a Constitutionally protected right. Unfortunately, this right doesn’t matter unless you employ it. Besides, that, there is a long list of reasons you should which include implicating yourself in a possible crime. However, it also includes having the police misunderstand what you are saying or having them mischaracterize what you actually said. Further, speaking with the police, even about seemingly pointless things can result in them locking you into facts that you may not even be sure about yourself. After all, they may know things that you don’t and will drive you in various directions. While there are other reasons, here is a final one, the police will lie to you. They are trained at the Police Academy to do it and the Courts are fine with that. Let me say that again in case you thought what I wrote was a mistake, the police will lie to you. Find the best Minnesota criminal defense attorney. 

“How the police feel about you is irrelevant unless they can convince you to tell them everything. When its done, do you really think they will like you more? Do you think they ever really cared?”

What Happens if the Police Don’t Like Me?

Maybe it is human nature but most of us want to be liked and trusted.  In fact, this is a game that the Police employ all of the time.  They will act reasonable and understanding at first and are just “here to help.”  Let’s be clear, they aren’t.  If you make it clear that you have a lawyer or want one, it doesn’t matter whether they like you. Rather, they may even start to threaten you and those you love with arrest and talk about you being a suspect rather than a witness. Does this sound like they are doing this because they like or don’t like you. In the end, it simply does not matter how the police feel about you. In fact, if you asked them honestly, down deep, what would they do if they were in your place, they would be the first ones to “lawyer up.”  Why do you think that is?  Its because they understand what is really going on.

If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, it is critical that you sit down with an experienced, reputable and well know criminal defense attorney.  That experience and reputation can help as a starting point.  They may know the prosecutors, the Judges and maybe even the police officers who so desperately wanted to interrogate you in the first place.

Go with the Best

Jack Rice is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, former prosecutor, former U.S. Federal Officer and a nationally renowned, award winning and trial winning criminal defense attorney.  He is also the Founder of Jack Rice Defense, a boutique criminal defense firm based in St. Paul, Minnesota. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.


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