Experienced Minnesota Murder Defense Attorneys: Jack Rice Defense

A police car with lights on top - Jack Rice Defense

By Sullivan Rice

There is no more serious crime to be charged with in Minnesota than murder. A conviction can result in life imprisonment with no opportunity for parole for decades. If you are arrested on a murder charge, you have the right to remain silent and have a lawyer represent you. When arrested, it is crucial to say nothing to the police until a Jack Rice Defense attorney speaks with you and is present during questioning.

Understanding Murder Charges in Minnesota:

First-Degree Murder: This charge involves causing the premeditated death of a person or if somebody dies while another felony is being committed. It also applies if a peace officer or state-employed guard is killed or if it causes or results in the death of another person during the commission of child abuse or domestic violence.

Second-Degree Murder: This charge is filed when someone intentionally causes another person’s death but there was no premeditation, such as unintentionally killing someone who wasn’t the target of a drive-by shooting, during the commission of other felonies, or while intentionally trying to hurt another person, such as during a fight.

Third-Degree Murder: Many unintentional murders are classified as third degree, including if someone dies as a result of taking drugs provided by the accused.

Severe Penalties for a Murder Conviction in Minnesota:

Whether the conviction is for murder, manslaughter, or criminal vehicular homicide, a mandatory sentence can go all the way up to life in prison without parole. Even if the sentence is shorter, being found guilty can result in having to register as a violent criminal, facing large fines, and being required to undergo extensive treatment or participate in a psychological or behavioral modification program.

The murder and manslaughter defense lawyers at Jack Rice Defense in Minnesota will mount the strongest defense possible for you. Prior to the trial, they may be able to get the charge reduced or discover that the police violated procedures in investigating and interviewing you.

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Manslaughter and Homicide Charges in Minnesota:

Along with the three clearly defined types of murder, there are three categories of other crimes that can be charged if an action results in the death of a person.

First-Degree Manslaughter: The death was unintended because it occurred in the heat of passion. It also applies if someone dies as a result of committing or trying to commit certain lesser crimes such as misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors. There is also a category of first-degree manslaughter if a person causes the death of another under the threat of being killed themselves.

Second-Degree Manslaughter: Most often, this charge is prosecuted when an act causes the death of another person as a result of negligence or unusually risky behavior.

Criminal Vehicular Homicide: This charge is usually filed when someone driving a vehicle causes the death of another. Frequently, it is the result of driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.

MN Criminal Lawyers Defending Murder Charges

Given the severity of the charge and the possibility of being locked away for a very long time, you need a Minnesota murder defense lawyer who can develop a strategy that fits the circumstances. Whether it is working with you during police questioning, negotiating with prosecutors, or presenting a case to the jury that results in a "not guilty" verdict, the Minneapolis and St. Paul Criminal Defense Attorneys at Jack Rice Defense will be dedicated to your case from the start.

Contact Jack Rice Defense for Expert Legal Representation

Phone: (651) 447-7650 or (612) 227-1339 (Available for immediate assistance)

Jack Rice is a nationally recognized and award-winning criminal defense lawyer. He has been awarded Among the Best Criminal Defense Lawyers of 2024, Minnesota Super Lawyer for 2023, Among the Best Lawyers of 2022, winner of the Minnesota Attorney of the Year Award for 2021, and founder of Jack Rice Defense. He received the Professional Excellence Award from the MSBA for 2020 and is an MSBA Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. He is also a former prosecutor and a former U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Officer. This St. Paul Criminal Defense Lawyer has decades of experience successfully representing thousands of clients facing charges from sex crimes, child pornography, and domestic assault to DWI, murder, and other serious criminal offenses.


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