Home For The Holidays; The Impact of a Minnesota Drug Conviction on College Plans

Minnesota Drug Conviction

By Sullivan Rice

If you find yourself facing a criminal charge during winter break, the decision to hire an experienced defense attorney becomes paramount. Jack Rices extensive legal expertise, coupled with his proactive and strategic approach, makes him the ideal ally in navigating the complexities of the legal system. In the state of Minnesota, strict regulations govern the possession of controlled substances, with potential consequences ranging from jail for a Minnesota time and fines to life-altering penalties. It is imperative to comprehend the legal landscape to effectively navigate the complexities associated with drug possession charges.

Controlled Substances in Minnesota:

Minnesota law designates various substances as controlled, including cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamines, amphetamines, heroin, hallucinogens, PCP, and other narcotics like prescription medications, benzodiazepines, and opiates. These substances are categorized into schedules based on their addictive nature and approved medical use, influencing the charges associated with possession.

Degrees of Controlled Substance Possession:

Minnesota distinguishes several degrees of controlled substance possession, each carrying distinct penalties:

  • First Degree Drug Possession: Involves minimum thresholds of substances such as 25 grams of heroin, 50 grams of cocaine, or 50 kilos of marijuana. Penalties include fines of up to $1 million and up to 30 years in prison.

  • Second-Degree Controlled Substance Possession: Pertains to possession of lesser quantities, leading to penalties of up to 25 years in prison and fines of $500,000.

  • Third-Degree Possession: Involves substances like three grams of heroin, 15 kilos of marijuana, or 50 doses of LSD, with potential penalties of up to 20 years in prison and fines of $250,000.

  • Fourth Degree Possession: Encompasses possession of substances from Schedule I, II, or III, leading to potential prison sentences of up to 15 years and fines of $100,000.

  • Fifth Degree Possession: Includes possession of any substance from Schedule I through IV, carrying penalties of up to five years in prison and fines up to $10,000.

Hidden Consequences:

Beyond the legal repercussions, drug possession convictions in Minnesota can result in various hidden consequences:

  • Ineligibility for Student/Government Loans: A conviction may disqualify individuals from obtaining student loans for higher education.

  • Issues Renting: Landlords may reject applicants with a drug conviction in their criminal history.

  • Loss of a Professional License: Fields requiring a professional license may suspend or cancel licenses for those convicted of drug possession.

  • Problems Finding a Job: Employment opportunities may be limited with a drug conviction in the background check.

  • Loss of the Right to Own a Firearm: Felony drug offenses can lead to a lifetime loss of firearm ownership rights, and even misdemeanor convictions may result in a three-year loss.

  • Loss of Right to Vote: A drug felony conviction may lead to the loss of the right to serve on a jury and vote, with the possibility of restoration after completing the sentence.


Jack Rice will tirelessly work to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome for your case. His track record of successfully handling a range of criminal charges, coupled with a personalized and client-focused approach, ensures that you have a dedicated advocate in your corner during this challenging time. Choosing Jack Rice Defense means choosing a legal professional who will fight diligently to safeguard your future and mitigate the potential impact of a criminal charge on your college plans.


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