How Does an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Handle a False Confession - Video

Watch Jack’s Interview on Court TV

A confession can be one of the most powerful pieces of evidence that the State has in a criminal conviction. After all, who admits to a crime that they have never committed. The problem is, it's actually a much larger number than people assume. According to the innocence project, the number could be as high as 20-25% of those vindicated confessed to crimes that they simply could not have committed. How does that happen? If you have been charged with a crime in Minnesota and a confession may be part of the evidence, talk with an experienced Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney immediately.

“Police officers are very well trained in getting admissions, confessions. Once they see a crack in a suspect they will pour through it like water through concrete.”

Jack Rice, a St. Paul based criminal defense attorney appears on Court TV with Judge Ashley Willcott and Atlanta based Josh Schiffer talks about false confessions and why they matter so much. It is complex and powerful and important to know why people do the things that they do.

The jury needs to understand what it felt like to be in that interrogation room. It was important to explain how somebody was driven to do and say things that weren't true, that didn't make sense, and why they were compelled to do it.

“False confessions are true. They are common and people still don’t believe it. It is important to take them into those interrogation rooms to feel what the person felt.”

Jack Rice is the Founder of Jack Rice Defense. He is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, a former CIA Officer, and a former prosecutor. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Watch Jack’s Interview on Court TV


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