Is it Possible to Keep a School Bus Stop Arm Violation Off Your Record in Woodbury?

A Flashing Red Stop Arm sticking out from the sign of a school bus is a familiar sight on our roads. This stop arm is not just a signal; it's a warning of the presence of children going on an off of school buses in woodbury, Washington County and across Minnesota. Despite the clear-cut regulations and the severe penalties for disregarding them, from 2018 through 2022, over 2,000 motorists in Minnesota were cited for school bus stop arm violations. This can happen for many reasons and if you are facing a stop arm violation charge, you must take it seriously. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

“Some people think it is just a traffic ticket. It isn’t. This is actually a criminal charge.”

Understanding the Gravity of the Violation

The law here in Minnesota is almost aggressively clear—drivers in both directions must stop when meeting a stopped school bus with flashing lights on any undivided roadway, a rule underscored by the oath you take when applying for a driver’s license. In Woodbury, violating this law is not a mere oversight; it's an offense that could lead to criminal misdemeanor charges, hefty fines, and even jail time.

The Rise of Technology in Enforcement

The evolution of school bus stop arms now includes the integration of cameras, making the enforcement of this law both automatic and more effective. These cameras leap into action the moment the stop arm is extended, capturing license plate numbers and video footage of any vehicle that dares to breach the safety perimeter. This footage serves as incontrovertible evidence for law enforcement to pursue violations diligently.

The Jack Rice Defense Advantage

When faced with a school bus stop arm violation in Woodbury, it is natural to worry about the long-term impact on your record. The consequences can extend beyond fines and jail time, affecting your insurance rates, employment opportunities, and overall standing in the community. That’s where Jack Rice Defense steps in. Our founder, Jack Rice, is not only recognized as among the best criminal defense lawyers and a Minnesota Super Lawyer for his dedicated service, but he also brings to the table a wealth of experience as a former Prosecutor and a U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Officer.

Our approach at Jack Rice Defense is grounded in a deep understanding of the law, a commitment to protecting your rights, and a determination to secure the best possible outcome for your case. Whether it’s negotiating for reduced charges, seeking alternative penalties, or fighting for a dismissal, our team is relentless in our pursuit of justice.

Prevention is the Best Defense

While the team at Jack Rice Defense is always ready to defend your rights, we believe in the power of prevention. Awareness and adherence to traffic laws, especially those designed to protect our children, are paramount. Drivers must exercise caution, patience, and a sense of responsibility every time they’re behind the wheel. However, if you find yourself facing charges, Jack Rice Defense will be by your side.

“You will be ordered to appear in a criminal courtroom. Don’t do this alone.”

When Your Future is at Stake

Facing a school bus stop arm violation can be a daunting experience. But with Jack Rice Defense by your side, you have a lifeline. Our comprehensive understanding of the legal system, coupled with our experienced negotiation and litigation skills, provides a beacon of hope for those seeking to navigate these turbulent waters.

Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation at 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. When your life and reputation are on the line, make sure you have a formidable advocate in your corner.


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