Is it Possible to Make a Minnesota Jury Care About a Defendant in a Criminal Case? - Video

Watch Jack’s Interview on Court TV.

The law in Minnesota and across the country calls for a presumption of innocence and that the State has the burden of proof. The problem is, if you are sitting in a courtroom and there is a judge calling you the defendant and the prosecutor calling you all sorts of the things alongside cops in the room to keep everybody safe from you, where is that presumption now? As a result, one requirement a good defense attorney has is to make the jury care of about you. It may seem strange, but if they don't, they may not give you a second look, or a third look. Sit down with an experienced Minnesota criminal defense attorney to discuss why this matters so much.

"You need to make the jury hesitate as they look at the evidence. If they don't care about you or your circumstances, they may just accept what the State is saying without hesitation."

Jack Rice appears on Court TV to talk about trial strategy and tactics. He also talks about the need to connect with his clients and to help the jury do the same. This is a necessary requirement in order for them to understand and appreciate Jack’s client and their perspective.

"If the jury doesn't care, it's almost impossible to win."

If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota including everything from sexual offenses, solicitation, and serious assaults to murder, sit down with an experienced criminal defense attorney. Because the charges can have a dramatic impact upon your future, you need to have the best by your side.

Go with the Best

Jack Rice is an award winning and nationally known criminal defense attorney . He is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, former prosecutor and former U.S. CIA Officer. Jack Is also the Founder of Jack Rice Defense. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Watch Jack’s Interview on Court TV.


For the Defense, Make the Jury a Member of the Team - Jack Rice on Court TV


When Defending a Criminal Case, Don't Let the Prosecutor Simplify Something That Isn't - Video.