Jack Rice Appears on Voice of America Intl. to Discuss Chauvin Murder Trial and Whether Reform is Possible

So what exactly is the Derek Chauvin murder trial about? Is it about whether one police officer (or several officers) used excessive force and killed George Floyd in the street in South Minneapolis? Is it about social justice, racism and whether an entire criminal justice system is racist that needs to be scraped and reconfigured from the ground up? Both? Neither?

The real difficulty regardless of how to handle this is how do you get a fair trial in a case like this? The State must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Derek Chauvin committed these crimes. Referring to the rest of the country and the long history of racism, which is real and exists, should that come in to show this man is guilty? How can that be fair to show a system is broken so therefore he is? What about that presumption of innocence? This is one of the challenges.

Jack Rice appears on Voice of America International to discuss the Chauvin murder trial, the legal system, and really what is at stake. How do you protect the rights of all of the participants while at the same time reform a system in desperate need of reform?

Jack Rice is the founder of Jack Rice Defense. He is a former prosecutor, a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and an award winning criminal defense lawyer. If you are facing serious felony charges including rape and murder in Minnesota, contact Jack Rice Defense for a free consultation.


Was Arradondo’s Testimony in the Chauvin Murder Trial Just PR for the MPD. Jack Appears on WCCO Minneapolis


Jack Rice Appears on Times of London Evening Program to Discuss the Power of Pictures in the Derek Chauvin Murder Trial