Spotting High Drivers: What Police Look for in Cannabis Impairment

As recreational marijuana becomes legal in Minnesota, law enforcement agencies are ramping up for the potential increase in high drivers on the roads. But how do the police determine cannabis impairment? Let's take a closer look at what they're looking for. If you're facing DWI charges in Minnesota, it's crucial to consult an experienced criminal defense attorney.

“It's important to recognize that being under the influence of cannabis differs from alcohol impairment, and the testing methods are different too.”

The police employ several methods to identify drivers under the influence of cannabis:

  1. Admissions: One of the common ways is simply asking the driver if they have used cannabis, as their responses can be telling.

  2. Drug Recognition Evaluation: This 12-step process is specific to detecting drug impairment and differs significantly from alcohol testing. Anything short of this is simply a guess.

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Police are trained to look for the following signs of cannabis impairment including:

  • Erratic Driving Behavior: High drivers may display erratic patterns, such as swerving, abrupt lane changes, or inconsistent speeds.

  • Difficulty Maintaining Lane: Impaired drivers may struggle to stay within their designated lane, frequently crossing lane markers.

  • Following Too Closely: Drivers under the influence may tailgate, failing to maintain a safe following distance.

  • Rolling Stops: High drivers may perform incomplete stops at stop signs, opting for rolling stops instead.

  • Delayed Reaction Time: Impaired drivers may react slowly to traffic signals, road conditions, or unexpected obstacles.

  • Red or Bloodshot Eyes: Bloodshot or glazed eyes are common signs of marijuana use.

  • Distinct Odor: The smell of marijuana inside the vehicle can indicate recent use.

  • Impaired Speech and Coordination: High drivers may exhibit slurred speech, confusion, or lack of coordination during interactions with law enforcement.

  • Drug Paraphernalia: The presence of drug-related items in the vehicle may raise suspicion.

“It's important to understand that while these signs are indicative, none of them alone provide definitive proof of marijuana impairment. Police officers assess the overall behavior and signs before deciding whether further testing or a DUI arrest is necessary.”

Given the complex effects of marijuana on individuals and the lack of a standardized roadside test, law enforcement faces challenges in making accurate and objective assessments. The situation will be closely monitored in the coming months and years as law enforcement adapts to the changing landscape on Minnesota's streets.

If you're facing charges related to cannabis impairment, don't hesitate to reach out to Jack Rice Defense. Jack Rice, a nationally recognized and respected criminal defense attorney, offers free confidential consultations to provide the guidance you need. Call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. When your life is on the line, Jack Rice Defense.


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