The Changing Landscape of Forensic Science and the Defense in Cold Murder Cases

The field of criminal defense is an ever-evolving battleground where advances in technology continually alter the landscape. One of the most compelling instances is found in murder cases that remain unsolved for years, even decades. In such cases, there's no statute of limitations to shield a suspect—meaning that with time, the emergence of new forensic techniques can breathe life into a dormant investigation. The case of Justin Turner, a 5-year-old South Carolina boy found strangled in 1989, underscores this very reality. For the defense team at Jack Rice Defense, understanding the nuances of forensic advancements is a cornerstone of effectively representing clients in the face of revived accusations. If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, make sure you consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney.

“The blade of technology cuts both ways; it can incriminate or exonerate based on the interpretations of its wielders.”

New Technology Results in New Charges

For 34 years, the mystery of Justin Turner's death remained unsolved. Law enforcement officers suspected the boy's father, Victor Lee Turner, and stepmother, Megan R. Turner, yet lacked the evidence required to bring charges. In the field of forensic science, however, advancements do not remain static. Over time, technology can sometimes answer questions that were once a mystery. According to police, microscopic fibers, once merely silent witnesses to the act of violence, became the vocal evidence that led to the couple's arrest. Of course, whether the science used to make this determination is admissible is also a part of the role played by an experienced criminal defense attorney.

The Turners now face murder charges, a formidable accusation stemming from the ability of investigators to match fibers from Justin’s shirt to a ligature found within the family home. This breakthrough showcases the relentless pursuit of justice facilitated by scientific progress. Yet, it also sets the stage for a nuanced defense that must consider the implications of long-term evidence preservation, the potential degradation of materials, and the interpretation of forensic data that was not available at the time of the original investigation.

Defending Murder Cases

Defending murder cases where evidence is brought to light years after the alleged crime demands a meticulous approach. At Jack Rice Defense, the strategy involves an exhaustive review of not only the new evidence but also the conditions under which it was preserved and analyzed. Scrutinizing the chain of custody, exploring alternative explanations for the evidence's presence, and questioning the reliability of aged forensic samples are just a few of the angles from which a robust defense is constructed.

Furthermore, modern defense requires a deep understanding of forensic methodologies to challenge the prosecution's allegations. A fiber match, while potentially compelling, is not infallible proof of guilt. The defense must delve into the scientific understanding of such matches—evaluating the statistical likelihood of fiber transfer and contamination over the course of decades, and probing the forensic protocols that have evolved since the time of the crime. Expert witnesses play a pivotal role in deciphering these complex scientific findings for the court, often determining whether the evidence presented meets the formidable standard of beyond a reasonable doubt. This assumes that the officers and staff involved in the collection and analysis are even alive.

New Technology

In cold murder cases using new technology, it is essential for a defense team to remain at the forefront of forensic science and legal strategy. The Jack Rice Defense team stands committed to this crucial aspect of criminal defense. With a deep respect for scientific advancements and an unwavering pursuit of justice, the team is dedicated to ensuring that the utilization of technology in the courtroom serves the interests of truth and fairness. In the overarching narrative of a murder trial that spans decades, the role of the defense is not merely to react but to question and challenge, ensuring that the passage of time and the march of progress serve the cause of Justice — measured, impartial, and untainted by the shadow of doubt.

For anyone facing the monumental burden of a murder charge supported by belated forensic evidence, the path forward demands an experienced defense team capable of navigating the intricate intersection of law and science. Jack Rice Defense embodies this capacity, bringing expertise and tenacity to the forefront in the defense of those facing historical murder charges.

“Cold cases come with an incredible number of challenges, some good and some bad. Its important to prepare for this.”


We understand that the blade of technology cuts both ways; it can incriminate or exonerate based on the interpretations of its wielders. In our commitment to defending the rights of our clients, we stand vigilant against the uncritical acceptance of forensic evidence as foolproof and unassailable. It is within this realm that Jack Rice Defense pledges to serve—because justice, no matter the age of the case, deserves the utmost diligence and defense expertise. If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. When your life is on the line, make sure Jack Rice Defense is by your side.

Jack is a nationally recognized and award-winning criminal defense lawyer, awarded Among the Best Criminal Defense Lawyer of 2024, Minnesota Super Lawyer for 2023, Among the Best Lawyers of 2022, winner of the Minnesota Attorney of the Year Award for 2021, and founder of Jack Rice Defense. He was awarded the Professional Excellence Award from the MSBA for 2020 and is an MSBA Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. He is also a former Prosecutor and a former U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Officer. This St. Paul Criminal Defense Lawyer has decades of experience successfully representing thousands of clients facing everything from Sex Crimes, Child Pornography, Domestic Assault to DWI to Murder to other serious criminal charges.


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