Unraveling the Path to Expungement: Criminal Vehicular Operation Convictions in Minnesota

A conviction for Criminal Vehicular Operation (CVO) in Minnesota can have enduring repercussions, potentially hindering career prospects, housing applications, and overall quality of life. For those striving to leave their past transgressions behind and make amends, the potential to expunge a CVO conviction remains a pivotal query. As a criminal defense attorney operating within Minnesota’s intricate legal landscape, I’m here to provide insights into the possibilities and constraints of achieving expungement for CVO convictions.

Minnesota’s Expungement Framework

Minnesota’s legal structure does provide provisions for expungement of certain criminal records, including some CVO convictions. The enhanced laws of 2015 have broadened the range of expungeable offenses, albeit with rigorous stipulations and considerations, especially for grave offenses like CVO.

Criteria for Eligibility

1.    Nature of Conviction:

·         Misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor convictions are eligible for expungement. Felonies are not eligible.

2.    Completion of Sentencing:

·         All sentencing requirements, including probation and any mandated treatment or counseling, must be fulfilled before one becomes eligible to petition for expungement.

3.    Mandatory Waiting Periods:

·         Depending on the gravity of the CVO conviction, there are requisite waiting periods after completing the sentence, ranging from one to five years, before one can apply for expungement.

4.    Post-Conviction Behavior:

·         An impeccable record post-conviction is crucial. Any subsequent criminal activity can substantially diminish the chances of securing expungement.

Embarking on the Expungement Process

The journey towards expungement is multifarious, encompassing the filing of a meticulous petition, serving notices to relevant government entities, and potentially attending a court hearing. Throughout this labyrinthine procedure, the counsel and representation of a seasoned criminal defense attorney are instrumental in safeguarding procedural integrity and advocating vehemently on behalf of the petitioner.

The Implications and Limitations of Expungement

Securing an expungement can be a monumental stride towards reformation, enabling individuals to obscure the CVO conviction from the public purview and thereby enhancing accessibility to various life opportunities. However, expunged records may still be accessible to specific agencies like law enforcement and certain licensing bodies under particular circumstances.


Navigating the expungement of a Criminal Vehicular Operation conviction in Minnesota is a formidable endeavor, steeped in legal complexities and stringent eligibility preconditions. The feasibility of attaining expungement is intricately intertwined with the seriousness of the offense, adherence to sentencing mandates, impeccable post-conviction conduct, and compliance with prescribed waiting periods.

Individuals contemplating the expungement route are strongly encouraged to seek the expertise of a well-versed criminal defense attorney to scrutinize the viability of their case and to receive tailored advice and robust representation throughout the expungement odyssey. Effective legal counsel can substantially bolster the prospects of articulating a persuasive case centered on rehabilitation, remorse, and the overarching benefits of granting expungement to the individual and society at large.

Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. When your life is on the line, Jack Rice Defense.


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