Why Expunging a Drug Charge or Conviction Can Matter So Much.

In the criminal justice system, it may often feel like nothing but retribution. Imagine if it were about redemption?  Well, that is exactly what an expungement in Minnesota could mean.  It could simply change everything.  You could remember before the expungement and after the expungement.  This could be especially true when it comes to drug cases.  Think about how employers, schools, your reputation and more have been impacted by your conviction.  Of course, not every drug conviction in Minnesota can be expunged but maybe yours can be.  Wouldn’t it be worth finding out?  This article delves into the advantages of expunging drug charges and underscores the merits of seeking counsel from Jack Rice Defense.  If you have a drug conviction, contact Jack Rice Defense for a free consultation.

“Can I trust this person?  Can I depend upon this person. Expunging drug charges could wipe out this doubt and allow you to present yourself anew.”

Fixing Your Reputation

A drug conviction on your permanent record can change everything.  This can impact your choice of careers, licensing, housing, and even personal relationships.  Expunging drug charges or convictions can offer a way out and a way up.  With a clean slate, you can present yourself as a responsible and dependable member of society, unburdened by the missteps of the past.  This Weill help you present the kind of person that you actually are.

Pick Your Own Job or Career

One of the biggest problems with drug charges and convictions is how it impacts employment. Along with a drug charge of conviction in Minnesota comes the question of reliability and dependability.  Can I trust this person?  Can I depend upon this person. Expunging drug charges could wipe out this doubt and allow you to present yourself anew. By widening the scope of job opportunities, expungements can charge your entire future.

Going to College

The expungement of drug charges and convictions can have a huge impact upon your educational aspirations. Numerous academic institutions mandate the disclosure of criminal histories, which can also impact their admissions decisions. With drug charges or convictions expunged, you can think about colleges, universities, and vocational programs without the fear of them finding out about your past.  Think about what this could do to your future.

Live Where You Want

Living where you want can be central to your future. However, landlords frequently ask for applications and seek background checks to determine criminal charges and convictions.  Exactly what do you think happens when they learn that you have a drug charge or conviction? How do you think this impacts an application.  Expunging drug charges and convictions can change that. Think about living where you want and how this in itself could change everything.

A Clean Slate

The expungement is frequently complicated and requires a deep knowledge of criminal law here in Minnesota.  Jack Rice Defense has been working in this field since before the turn of the century. An expungement could help you clear the board and have a clean slate. Imagine what you could do if you didn’t have old decisions, old mistakes, old drug charges and crimes holding you back?

“Isn’t it time to reclaim your life for a drug mistake you made when you were young?  It could change everything and Jack Rice Defense would like to help.”

Do you want to reclaim your life, reputation, and prospects?  An expungement might be exactly what you are looking for.  Minnesota has just revamped a bunch of their laws involving expungements and this might be the opportunity you have been waiting for.   More than mere eradication of a criminal record, expunging drug charges offers you the opportunity to reaffirm your inherent worth while also contributing to your family. Reach out to Jack Rice Defense for a confidential consultation, free of charge. Contact us at 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. When your life is on the line, Jack Rice Defense.


Expunge Your Conviction, Take Back Your Future


Expunge Your Theft and Fraud Charges, Get Back Your Life