A Great Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney must be Nimble - Video

Watch Jack’s Interview on Court TV

Facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota can be challenging. Going to trial on the charges is sometimes your only alternative. However, one of the things that a good criminal defense attorney must be to do is to be flexible. You can certainly have all of the plans and hope that everything goes to plan. Unfortunately, trials often times don't go according to plan. If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, make sure you sit down with an experienced Minnesota criminal defense attorney and Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist.

"The ability to be nimble is one of the skills that every criminal defense attorney must possess."

Jack Rice, a St. Paul, Minnesota criminal defense attorney appears on Court TV on 10/26 to discuss the skills that a good criminal defense attorney must possess. As a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and a nationally known criminal defense attorney and trainer of lawyers around the world, Jack discusses the skills necessary to be a great lawyer.

"When everything goes south, you better be prepared to shift and respond on the fly. If not, your client will pay the price."

In the Darrell Brooks Christmas Parade murder trial out of Wisconsin, the prosecutor reacted to the evidence presented in order to more effectively move the jury. In the end, every good trial lawyer needs to move the fact finder. If you don't, the other side will. Never forget this.

Jack Rice is a a former prosecutor, former CIA Officer, and Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. Jack is also the Founder of Jack Rice Defense, a boutique criminal defense firm based in St. Paul, MN. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Watch Jack’s Interview on Court TV


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