How Does a Good Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney Build a Defense? - Video

Watch Jack’s Interview on Court TV

A good criminal defense attorney can look at the evidence in a case in order to start to put together a good defense. Defense options may anything from "I didn't do it" to "I was defending myself" to maybe even "The person deserved it." All of these and a few more defenses may be at the the defense attorney's disposal. It is also about how the jury may perceive the evidence once it is presented. This also takes experience. If you are facing serious criminal charges, make sure you consult with an experienced Minnesota criminal defense attorney.

"Building a good criminal defense may take years of experience to perfect. You learn over time what works and what doesn't."

St. Paul, Minnesota based criminal defense attorney Jack Rice appears on Court TVB with Michael Ayala on October 26, 2022 to discuss the value of criminal defense attorney and how you build a defense. It isn't simple and it isn't easy but it is possible.

"Walking into a trial without preparing the right defense can be catastrophic. Making this mistake is sometimes called a slow plea."

Jack Rice is the founder of Jack Rice Defense, a boutique criminal defense firm on Cathedral Hill in St. Paul, MN. He is a former prosecutor, a former CIA Officer, and a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Watch Jack’s Interview on Court TV


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