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Don't Buy Into the Post-Election Civil War Trope

Americans have purchased 17 million weapons in 2020 alone. That number is startling. And yet, lets go back and look at all of the previous years when Americans have bought guns. The numbers are truly staggering. Its strangely and oddly what some do. Of course, the NRA and the gun manufacturing industry is only too happy to politicize it and petrify those potential customers. Combine that with the President telling the Proud Boys to “stand down and stand by.” What about the President saying that there were “good people on both sides” as Nazis marched in the streets?

Remember Trump claiming he didn’t denounce the support he received from former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke” and claimed he didn’t know who he was? The right wing talking points have continued to argue that it is Black Lives Matters that is the problem. And yet, in Minneapolis, it was right-wing Boogaloo Boys who were arrested for burning down the 3rd Precinct Police Station, not BLM.

These arguments by the right continue to promote the fight. Worse, the President has been arguing constantly about the election and that if he loses, its because it was stolen from him. This has never happened in the history of the United States by any party at any time. Thats the truth.

Nevertheless, there will be no civil war. Instability, yes. Unrest, yes. Violence, yes? Maybe even a little insurrection, yes. But not civil war. Exactly what are the two sides? The South? The North? What exactly is the political justification? The economic one? It simply doesn’t fall within the true definition. Exactly who lines up against whom. This would only happen if the political system breaks down completely. And yet, the U.s. has already had 89 million people vote early. In fact, some are arguing the U.S. could surpass 150 million votes. If that isn’t a belief in the vote, I don’t know what is.

I appear on Press TV in the Middle East to talk about what comes after the election.

November 5

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