Violent Crimes Attorney in St. Paul, MN

When underlying facts can drive outcomes.

St. Paul Violent Crimes Lawyer

People charged with violent offenses, anything from 5th degree assault to criminal vehicular homicide to manslaughter and murder, can face overwhelming challenges including high bail amounts and onerous conditions of release. Further, juries can easily jump to conclusions without really looking at the facts that can result in absolutely brutal jail and prison commits.

Minnesota criminal charges considered violent crimes can include everything from Murder/Attempted Murder, Manslaughter, Criminal Vehicular Homicide, Serious Assault with or without weapons, Sexual Assault, Threats of Violence or Terroristic Threats, Gun Charges, 1st, 2nd 3rd and 4th Degree Felony Assault Charges, Obstruction of Legal Process and more.

Jack Rice Defense has seen this countless times and is prepared. If you are charged with a violent offense, don’t just hope things will work out or that you can simply talk your way out of it. Sit down with Jack Rice Defense and see the difference. How do you Beat Murder, Manslaughter and Other Violent Crimes Charges in Minnesota - 4 Steps to Success.

Jack Rice, J.D. - Founder - St. Paul Violent Crime Defense Attorney

Frequently Charged Violent Crimes


Murder/Attempted Murder

Murder charges continue to be the most aggressively sentenced in the state the can result in decades in prison.


Manslaughter result in an unintentional death. However, you can still be blamed and still go to prison.

Criminal Vehicular Homicide

CVH cases involve driving, alcohol and drugs but not always. However, they almost always involve threats of real prison time.

Serious Assault with or without weapons

Assaults that end up with serious injuries frequently come with threats of prison.


Sexual Assault

Sexual assault charges are some of the most aggressively charged and prosecuted in Minnesota and include registration requirements.

Threats of Violence or Terroristic Threats

These frequently start out as 1st time simple misdemeanors that escalate into serious felonies.

Gun Charges

Gun charges often come with companion charges and higher bail amounts and mandatory minimum sentences.

4th Degree Felony Assault Charges

Often seen as felony assaults on police officers. These are aggressively prosecuted.

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If You’re Accused of a Violent Crime in St. Paul MN, Call Jack Rice

“This is not how it started.  It was a conversation that turned into an argument, that turned into . . . that turned into . . . that turned into  . . . “ 

This is frequently how the world works. Nothing is ever simple and it starts with a give-and-take and then sometimes very quickly spins out into something fundamentally different. In the end, somebody claims they were threatened or that somebody was injured or worse. When the police arrive, they just hear about the threat or they see the injury, or worse. That is what they see. That is what they write. That is the case they build. However, it is often not what happened at all. Such is the case with violent crimes.  

The elements of violent crimes can sometimes appear to be straight forward. On this date, in this place, this person did this thing that resulted in this. It is an extraordinarily myopic approach that comes across as simple and easy to explain. Prosecutors and judges like this too because it provides a simple answer that can be handed to juries. In fact, this is the reason the police like to take statements from people and get that simple answer of “yes” because then it is extraordinarily hard to come back afterward and tell the police the rest. They have their story and regularly, that is what they go with.  However, it ignores everything else that happened. 

Self defense. Defense of others. Alibi. Not guilty. These are all possible defenses that may be used in cases involving violent crimes. However, the only way to use these defenses successfully is to be able to build those defenses inside of a narrative so that they make sense and that juries will understand them. This takes time and lots of experience. Rather than simply an excuse, “This is not how it started.  It was a conversation that turned into an argument that turned into . . . , that turned into . . . that turned into  . . ., “ it becomes the truth that it always was.

Award-Winning St. Paul Violent Crimes Attorney

The world is not a black and white place. People act and react. People respond and respond again. It is never a straight line and it is never a simple answer. Jack Rice and his team understands this and they have had to help judges and juries understand and remember that the world is full of curves and hairpin turns and that things are not always as they seem. If this is true in your case, Jack Rice Defense wants to help.  

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