Expungement Lawyers in St. Paul, MN

Don't Let a Prior Criminal Conviction Ruin Your Life: How to Get an Expungement in Minnesota

St. Paul Expungement Lawyers

When you walk into a room, frequently all you really have is your reputation.  It defines who you are.  However, what happens if your reputation is based upon an old Minnesota criminal charge or conviction? Consider, 90% of employers consistently conduct background checks. How will they react upon finding that charge, that conviction? Does it even matter “who you are now?”

A criminal record can haunt you forever, impacting your career, whether you can go to school, where you can live and even your personal relationships. How many times can you say, “Oh yeah but it was a long time ago?” Recent findings from a study conducted by the University of Minnesota reveal an astonishing statistic, a mere 5% of eligible Minnesotans successfully navigate the complicated petition process for expungement. How important is it to have a knowledgeable and experience attorney by your side? And yet, how important would it be to wipe the slate clean?  To start over?  How much could that charge your life. How much would that be worth?

Jack Rice, JD - Founder - St. Paul Expungement Lawyers

What is an Expungement?

An expungement is a legal process that allows a person to have their criminal record sealed or erased, effectively wiping it clean from public view. Once granted, the individual can legally state that they have not been convicted of the expunged offense when asked about their criminal history, giving them a fresh start without the stigma of past mistakes. Simply put, it gives them back their reputation.  It gives them back their life.

How Does the Expungement Process Work in Minnesota?

Obtaining an expungement can have a profound impact on various aspects of an individual's life.  However, it can also be highly technical and specific and starts with an eligibility assessment and a petition process.  As a result, having an experienced advocate by your side who has traversed these waters before can make all of the difference.

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Hire a Nationally Known + Respected MN Expungement Lawyer

A prior conviction does not have to define your future. With the help of an experienced expungement attorney at Jack Rice Defense, you can pursue an expungement and get the fresh start you deserve. Don't let a criminal record hold you back from achieving your goals and dreams. Jack Rice is a nationally known and experienced lawyer based in St. Paul, Minnesota.  He is also a former prosecutor, a former CIA Officer and a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. Let Jack and his team stand beside you and help you pave the way for a brighter future.  After all, everybody deserves a second chance. Contact Jack Rice Defense today.

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