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Sex Crimes Attorney in St. Paul, MN

Sex crimes including child pornography in Minnesota are frequently the most aggressively prosecuted and with the worst ramifications from charges to convictions.

St. Paul Child Pornography and Sex Crimes Lawyer

Sexual assault and child pornography charges can destroy your life, your career, everything that you have worked for, everything that you are. Worse, the consequences can absolutely be as severe as any murder case. You may wonder why you were targeted in the first place. If you have been, understand How to Beat Sex Crime Charges - 4 steps to Success.

Even if you have an absolutely perfect record, you could face years and years in prison and be required to register as a sexual offender. This could be true even if you are a juvenile. Can Juveniles be Charged with Sex Crimes in Minnesota?

Experience is critical in cases like these because the pressure to prosecute is incredible. Jack Rice Defense has decades of courtroom experience fighting these kinds of charges. Jack has also written extensively about Minnesota Sex Crimes, Date Rape, Statutory Rape, Child Pornography, Prostitution, Sex Trafficking, Indecent Exposure, Sexual Extortion, Failure to Register as a Sex Offender and more. Click here for more. Besides that, Jack is a former prosecutor, Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, and award winning Criminal Defense Lawyer. How much is that worth when everything is on the line? Everything.

Jack Rice, JD - Founder - St. Paul Sex Crimes Lawyer

Frequently Charged Minnesota Sex Crimes


Rape/Sexual Assault

Sexual assault charges are some of the most aggressively prosecuted crimes in MN Courts.


Sex Trafficking

Sex trafficking charges, especially with those under 18, come with some of the worst sentences as well as registration requirements..

Date Rape

Consent is a critical element in date rape cases. What does consent actually mean?


Adult Prostitution

While adult prostitution is a crime, frequently, these charges can have the most personal and devastating consequences.

Statutory Rape

People under the age of 16 can’t give consent even if they say yes. It changes everything.


Indecent Exposure

Like many sex crimes, indecent exposure may provide the perception that you are dangerous and crazy.

Child Prostitution

Age of consent is usually 16 unless pay is involved. If 16/17 & pay, the ramifications are catastrophic.


Failure to Register as a Sex Offender

Sex Crimes frequently come with predatory registration requirements and violations can result in prison time.

Child Pornography Defense Resources


Child Pornography in Minnesota - Defined

What exactly is the definition of Child Pornography and How Do I kKnow I have it?


What Can Pre-Charge Representation in Minnesota Do for Me?

If you even think that you could be charged with Child Porn, talk to a Defense Lawyer now.

The Different Pornography Charges in Minnesota

There are different kinds of Child Pornography Charges in Minnesota.


What Will the Police Say if they are investigation Child Pornography and Just Want to Talk?

Talk to a Defense Attorney before you talk to the police. It’s critical.

Child Pornography Charges in Minnesota can be Brutal

Child Porn in Minnesota can come with some of the most brutal ramifications.


Child Pornography and Predatory Offender Registration in Minnesota

Child Porn convictions in Minnesota can mean jail but also sexual predator registration.

The Defenses to Child Pornography in Minnesota

If I’m Charged with Child Porn in Minnesota, what are the defenses? What can I do?


How Does MN Law Enforcement Decide Who to Target in Child Porn Cases

How can the police her win Minnesota link you to something you found on the internet?

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What Our Clients are Saying

What to Look for in a St. Paul, Minnesota Sex Crimes Attorney

Sex crimes are the most challenging cases in Minnesota criminal courtrooms. One of the biggest challenges is facing the perception that people have of the kind of person who commits these kinds of charges. I see it in the faces of juries, judges, prosecutors, the public, everybody. The term I’ve heard again and again is “monster.” These cases are frequently extremely complicated, extremely emotional and the consequences can be the most severe of any cases including murder cases.  As a result, it is critical to turn to an experienced criminal defense lawyer who has experience handling these kinds of cases to help you through the process.  We suggest finding a:

  • Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist;

  • Decades of experience;

  • A Criminal Defense Lawyer with extensive experience handling sex crimes and child pornography charges;

  • A former prosecutor to understand what the prosecutors are doing;

  • An award winning lawyer with the results to back it up.

  • Extensively written articles on Minnesota Sex Crimes. Click here for links.

All of these requirements are necessary. However, most importantly, find somebody that you can work with. These cases are difficult and take a long time and can be some of the most challenging and sensitive cases that exist.  Below is a general description of each of the levels of sexual assault that exist in Minnesota.


The Challenges of Handling Sex Crime Charges in Minnesota

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Criminal Sexual Conduct in the 1st Degree
Minnesota Statute 609.342.

Criminal Sexual Conduct in the 1st Degree is absolutely the most serious charge a defendant can face in Minnesota. it is a presumptive prison commit and the registration requirements for a sexual predatory are typically the most extreme available. These charges almost certainly apply to children.  

Minnesota Sex Crimes in the 1st Degree can be charged under any of the following circumstances:

  • Sex or sexual contact with a person under 13 years old if the actor was more than 36 months older

  • Sex with a person 13 to 16 years old if the actor was more than 48 months older

  • Sex with a person under 16 years old if the actor had a significant relationship with the individual

  • The use or threat of great bodily harm to accomplish sexual penetration

  • The complainant suffered a personal injury during un-consenting sex

This offense is most frequently charged in cases involving child sexual abuse, forcible rape and child molestation.  While there are always defenses in any criminal case, mistake of age if not defensible to this 1st Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct.

Possible Penalties to Minnesota 1st Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct:

A defendant potentially faces up to 30 years in prison, and possibly longer if other aggravating factors exist.  A defendant also faces up to a $40,000 fine.

Criminal Sexual Conduct in the 2nd Degree
Minnesota Statute 609.343.

Criminal Sexual Conduct in the 2nd degree is charged less often than the first degree charge but typically applies to children.  While it is more commonly charged as a third degree, the ramifications can still be severe.  Further the sexual predator registration requirements can be just as bad depending upon the age of the complaining witness/victim. 

Minnesota Criminal Sexual Conduct in the 2nd Degree is similar to 1st Degree although it does not require actual penetration as one of the elements but otherwise, circumstances found in 1st degree charge apply.  Mistake as to age is still not a defense. 

Possible Penalties to Minnesota 2nd Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct:

A defendant potentially faces up to 25 years in prison, and possibly longer if other aggravating factors exist.  A defendant also faces up to a $35,000 fine.

Criminal Sexual Conduct in the 3rd Degree
Minnesota Statute 609.344.

3rd Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct if frequently charged during what is commonly known as date rape, where the complaining witness is allegedly under the influence and unable to give consent. These are also sometimes charges for statutory rape charges based upon age.  Mistake as to age may apply in the 3rd Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct cases under certain circumstances.   

Minnesota Sex Crimes in the 3rd Degree with penetration can be charged under any of the following circumstances:

  • The complainant is under 13 years old and the actor is no more than 36 months older

  • The complainant is at least 13 years old but less than 16 years old and the actor is no more than 24 months older

  • The complainant is at least 16 years old but less than 18 and the actor is more than 48 months older and in a position of authority

  • The complainant is at least 16 years old but less than 18 and the actor has a significant relationship with the individual

  • The complainant is a patient of a psychotherapist and there is an active psychotherapist-patient relationship

  • The actor is a member of the clergy and the complainant was seeking the actor’s advice or counseling

  • The actor knows or has reason to know that the complainant is mentally impaired, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless

Possible Penalties to Minnesota 3rd Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct:

A defendant potentially faces up to 15 years in prison, and possibly longer if other aggravating factors exist. A defendant also faces up to a $30,000 fine.

Criminal Sexual Conduct in the 4th Degree
Minnesota Statute 609.345.

Minnesota Sex Crimes in the 4th Degree are similar to 3rd degree charges but applies when there is contact but not sexual penetration.  There are defenses of age that may apply.    

Possible Penalties to Minnesota 4th Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct

A defendant potentially faces up to 10 years in prison, and possibly longer if other aggravating factors exist. A defendant also faces up to a $20,000 fine.

Criminal Sexual Conduct in the 5th Degree
Minnesota Statute 609.346.

Minnesota Sex Crimes in the 5th Degree apply to non-consensual sexual contact and masturbation or lewd exhibition of genitals in the presence of a minor.  A Gross Misdemeanor would apply to a first offense but subsequent offenses are felony offenses.  A defendant also faces up to a $3,000 fine for a first offense and a $10,000 for each subsequent offense.

In the end, this list is not exhaustive.  The Courts can stack charges and then seek consecutive sentences, they can "Hernandize", they can even go for upward departures. We have to be ready if and when the State does this. 

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