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The World Watches as Trump Tries to Foment a Riot. I appear in the Middle East to discuss.

  • Jack Rice Defense 370 Selby Avenue, Suite 207 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 United States (map)

While the trigger was pulled on January 6th, Trump’s efforts to foment a rebellion began before he took office and he did not do this alone. He has been beating the drum from the beginning.

  • What he did in Charlottesville

  • What he did in Pittsburgh

  • What he did with the Proud Boys, White Supremacists being good guys and to stand by

  • Calling the Democrats, the Media, his political enemies traitors

  • What he did in Michigan again the Governor when these same people were planning a kidnapping and murder

  • When he continued lying regardless of 60 plus lawsuits that were slapped down

  • Calling a rally on January 6th, the date of the Certification Not far from the Capitol.

  • Ramping them up

  • Having Trump Jr say “History is watching” and “Be a Hero, not a zero”

  • Telling them to go to the Capitol

  • Telling them to get tough

  • Making sure he didn’t call out the Guard. He never did

  • Finally , after the riot started, saying “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously stripped away from great patriots . . .”.

  • And then telling the Rioters, “We love you.”

So much for American exceptionalism. America has long argued that we were the shining city o the hill and somehow different from the rest of the world. Of course, it wasn’t true and now, as if there was plenty of proof available, it is pretty undeniable now.

January 8

So What Will It Be, the 25th, Impeachment or You Just Quit? I appear on WVLY To Discuss.

January 11

The U.S. Transfer of Power - I Appear in Middle East Media to Discuss