Cross Examination is Key for Hostile Witnesses in the Derek Chain Murder Trial - Jack Rice

Watch Jack’s interview with WCCO’s Adam Carter. Cross examination is one of the most important skills of a good criminal defense attorney. Knowing what a potential witness can do to hurt your case is critical. However, it is also important to understand how they might benefit that same case.

Cross examination is about controlling witnesses in order to get very specific nuggets of information out of them. Further, it is about craf ing leading questions to make sure that you get confirmation of the points that you want to make and nothing more. Remember, these witnesses want to hurt you and knowing what they have and what to avoid while controlling this is critical.

Jack appear on WCCO in Minneapolis with Adam Carter and Susie Jones to discuss the second day of the Derek Chauvin murder trial and how an experienced criminal defense attorney dross examines a witness.

Jack Rice is the founder of Jack Rice Defense, is a former prosecutor, is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and an award-winning criminal defense attorney. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free consultation. Watch Jack Rice’s Interview with WCCO’s Adam Carter.


What do jurors see when lawyers speak? Jack Rice appears on KGO San Francisco to Discuss the Chauvin Trial and More.


Jack Rice on Australian Broadcasting Corporation to Discuss Strategies of Picking a Winning Jury - Jack Rice