Can I Smoke Medical Weed in Minnesota?

Can I smoke medical eeed in Minnesota? The answer is yes, sort of. Medical marijuana is legal in Minnesota. And now, smokable medical marijuana is also legal. However, there is a multi-step process to make this happen including becoming a patient, establishing an underlying condition and more. That being said, it is important to know that if you fail to follow any of these steps and possess medical or any kind of marijuana, you may be committing a crime in Minnesota. Click here for more on How to Become a Medical Cannabis Patient. If you are facing drug charges in St. Paul or anywhere in Minnesota, it is important you talk with an experienced criminal defense attorney. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation. 

“Smoking marijuana is still a crime in Minnesota unless you qualify and jump through all of the legal hoops.”

Adding smokable medical marijuana to the list of possible medical options could be a game changer for many. In fact, previously the only options included pills, capsules, liquids, oils or topical products.  Now, in a bipartisan effort by the Minnesota Legislature and signed by the governor, it will include the smoking of medicinal marijuana flowers or buds.  The decision seems to be based upon several conclusions:

  • Marijuana processed into pills or oils actually loses some of its medicinal qualities;

  • When cannabis is inhaled, its impact upon chronic pain can be immediate whereas the the pills or oils may not have an impact for multiple hours;

  • The cost of flower or buds is significantly cheaper and therefore available to more people who have a medical need. Some in the medical community say that this could save patients up to 50% on a monthly bases which is substantial.

While the Governor has currently stated that he would be in favor of passing a law to legalize recreational use of marijuana, that is currently not the case.  Therefore, if you are arrested in possession or with the intent to sell marijuana, you could certainly still face criminal charges including potentially felony criminal charges.  As importantly, those charges could have a lasting impact upon your criminal record, your ability to getting housing, education and career advancement.

“Remember, recreational use of Marijuana is still a crime.”

If you are facing marijuana or other drug charges in Minnesota, make sure you contact an experienced Minnesota controlled substance or drug criminal defense attorney. Jack Rice, the founder of Jack Rice Defense, has been handling controlled substance cases including marijuana cases in Minnesota for decades.  Jack is a former prosecutor, a former U.S. Federal Agent and a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist.  Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339Jack’s got your back. 


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