Challenging Search Warrants in Cases Involving Child Pornography in Minnesota

Child pornography cases are on the rise both in Minnesota and across the country, thanks to the proliferation of internet usage. Though adult pornography is legal, child pornography is not. However, the process of going from knowing child pornography exists online to law enforcement arriving at your doorstep with a search warrant can be jarring. This article discusses the importance of challenging search warrants in child pornography cases in Minnesota and emphasizes the need to consult with an experienced attorney. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation.

“Adult pornography is legal and possession doesn’t somehow mean you automatically possess child porn as well.“

Understanding Search Warrants:

A search warrant in Minnesota is a legal document signed by a judge that gives law enforcement officers permission to conduct a search but there are limited parameters of that search warrant. Failure to obtain a search warrant can lead to the suppression of any evidence collected during the search. However, when a search warrant is obtained, it is crucial to understand its limitations. A search warrant allows the police to search for specific materials or objects at a specific location and within a specific timeframe. In cases of child pornography, this may include searching for devices such as computer hard drives, phones, or laptops that may contain illegal content. However, the search is specific and must be sufficiently narrow. Make sure you talk to an attorney if there is a search warrant involved in your case.

Exceptions to Search Warrants:

There are exceptions to the requirement of obtaining a search warrant. These include consent searches, evidence in plain view, searches conducted in connection with an arrest, emergency situations, and vehicle searches. If law enforcement officers request permission to search even when they have a search warrant, it is advisable to consult with a Minnesota sex crimes lawyer and have legal representation present before providing consent.

“The reason the police ask if they can search even if they have a warrant is there is generally no way to contest the warrant if you say yes.”

Parameters of Search Warrants in Child Pornography Cases:

Search warrants must outline specific parameters for the search in order to ensure they are constitutional. These parameters should include the location to be searched, the scope of the search, the timeline for conducting the search, individuals who may be searched, and the evidence that is expected to be found at the location. The Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution requires that search warrants "particularly describe the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." Any warrant that fails to provide sufficient specificity may be deemed overbroad and result in the exclusion of evidence obtained. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help with this.

Challenging the Validity of Search Warrants:

Reviewing the validity of a search warrant is a crucial aspect of defending against child pornography charges. This involves examining who signed the warrant, the information upon which the police relied, and whether there was sufficient probable cause to justify the warrant's issuance. If a warrant is found to be overly broad or lacking necessary specificity, it may be possible to suppress or exclude all evidence obtained as a result of the search. In some cases, successful suppression may lead to the dismissal of charges.

“It is critical to remember that if you give the police permission to search, it doesn’t matter whether they have a valid search warrant or not.”


When facing child pornography possession or distribution charges in Minnesota, it is essential to understand the charges and seek legal representation. Challenging the validity of search warrants and the evidence obtained is crucial in fighting these charges. Considering the severe consequences of a child pornography conviction, having an experienced sex crimes attorney is of utmost importance.

Jack Rice is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, former prosecutor, and former U.S. CIA Officer. He is the Founder of Jack Rice Defense, a St. Paul-based boutique criminal defense firm specializing in cases involving criminal sexual conduct, child pornography, and child solicitation. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation at 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.


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