Clearing the Slate: Can a Domestic Assault Conviction be Expunged in Minnesota? A Criminal Defense Attorney Explains

In the realm of criminal convictions, those relating to domestic assault often bear far-reaching repercussions, posing substantial hindrances to various aspects of life, such as employment, housing, and interpersonal relationships. Consequently, the question of whether a domestic assault conviction can be expunged is of paramount concern to those aiming to restore their reputations and rebuild their lives in Minnesota. From a criminal defense attorney’s standpoint, let's delve into the intricacies of Minnesota's expungement laws concerning domestic assault convictions.

Minnesota Expungement Laws: An Overview

The State of Minnesota has provisions allowing expungement for certain criminal convictions. The 2015 amendments to Minnesota’s expungement laws expanded the scope of expungeable offenses, creating avenues for relief for many individuals. However, obtaining an expungement, particularly for domestic assault convictions, remains a complex and nuanced process.

Eligibility for Expungement

  1. Severity and Nature of the Conviction:

    Misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor convictions are eligible for expungement. Felony convictions are not.

  2. Completion of Sentencing Requirements:

    Before applying for expungement, individuals must complete all sentencing requirements, including any probation, counseling, or anger management courses mandated by the court.

  3. Waiting Periods:

    There are mandatory waiting periods after the completion of the sentence to be eligible to apply for expungement. These waiting periods are generally two to five years, depending on the severity of the conviction.

  4. Subsequent Offenses:

    A clean record post-conviction is essential to the expungement process. Any subsequent offenses can start the waiting period over again. If you are unsure if an incident starts the waiting period over for you, be sure to reach out to an expungement attorney.

The Expungement Process

The process to attain expungement is multifaceted and commences with filing a petition. This is followed by notifying relevant governmental bodies and possibly attending a court hearing. The assistance of a seasoned criminal defense attorney can be indispensable in ensuring procedural compliance and robustly representing the individual's interests throughout this process.

Impact and Limitations of Expungement

Achieving expungement can be transformative, concealing the domestic assault conviction from most public records and facilitating access to better employment and housing opportunities. However, it is pivotal to note that certain entities, such as law enforcement agencies and licensing boards, may still access expunged records under specified conditions.

Additionally, you should consider what reason you are seeking an expungement for. If you have lost your firearm rights and are seeking an expungement in an attempt to restore them, you need to realize that you could get your expungement petition granted and still not get your firearm rights back. Misdemeanor domestics impact not just state law but federal law. This does not necessarily mean that it is impossible to get your firearm rights back. But it makes it more complicated. You will want to talk to a criminal defense attorney because the process of getting your firearm rights back after a domestic assault can be complicated and difficult.


While the road to obtaining an expungement for a domestic assault conviction in Minnesota is fraught with challenges and specific eligibility criteria, it is not an impossible feat. The likelihood of success is contingent upon the nature of the conviction, fulfillment of sentence requirements, behavior post-conviction, and adherence to waiting periods.

Those contemplating expungement should promptly consult with a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney to assess the merits of their case and receive detailed advice on navigating the legal labyrinth of the expungement process. Having adept legal counsel can significantly heighten the chances of presenting a compelling case that underscores rehabilitation, remorse, and the societal and individual benefits of granting expungement.

Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. When your life is on the line, Jack Rice Defense.


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