Closing Arguments are Key in the Derek Chain Murder Trial

The Derek Chain murder trial has been going on for more than a month if you include jury selection. And let’s be clear, jury selection is a massive piece of defending somebody in a murder case or any criminal trial.

After the State and Defense rest, the Defense needs to think back at all of the promises made by the prosecution in the case. Those frequently are made during opening statements. The Defense needs to then look at the evidence presented and argue, if they can, that the state failed in their promises. This should be done element by element.

In Minnesota, the prosecution goes first. After that, the Defense. Then the prosecution gets something called rebuttal. It is important from a defense perspective that you don’t get bookended by the prosecution during this stage.

Closing arguments are key in this case. The Defense must hammer on the presumption of innocence, who has the burden and what proof beyond a reasonable doubt really means.

Jack appears on Voice of America International to discuss closing arguments. Jack Rice is the founder of Jack Rice Defense, a Minnesota Criminal Defense Firm. Jack is a former prosecutor, a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and a criminal defense attorney. If you are facing serious charges, you need serious representation. Call Jack Rice Defense for a free consultation.


A Good Closing Argument Requires a Theme that Grabs the Jury by the Gut


Jack Talks to an International Audience about Guns and Crime in the U.S.