Should Derek Chauvin Get a New Trial? Jack Appears in Times of London to Discuss.

This was the most watched criminal trial in a generation and almost everybody on the jury knew a ton about the case. Many of them likely were just as outraged and disgusted as the rest of us before they were ever called up as potential jurors. However, asked again and again if they could be fair and open, of course they said yes. And did they lie when they answered that question? Well, yes and no. Does this mean he gets a new trial?

Everybody wants to be fair and honest. Everybody wants to believe that they can be fair and honest. However, after seeing the tape along with the rest of the world, can anybody, anywhere, honestly said they didn't have any preconceived notions? Add the $27 million settlement from the city, statements from politician calling itmurder, and the shooting on Daunte Wright being shot by another white cap and you have the perfect storm. No chance. But what do you do? Let Derek Chauvin walk because the world is watching? That is the challenge. Again, is this enough for a fair trial?

Jack appears on the Times of London Radio to talk about the power of juries in the American system and the challenge of giving every defendant including Derek Chauvin a fair trial and whether he will get a new one. He will also talk about whether or not the latest motion for a new trial could be successful. This should get interesting.

Jack Rice is the founder of Jack Rice Defense, a Twin Cities based criminal defense firm. He is a former prosecutor, a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and a criminal defense attorney. If you or a loved one prefacing criminal charges in Minnesota, contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation.


Read Derek Chauvin’s Motion for a New Jury Trial


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