Criminal Defense Attorneys Need to Prepare for Prosecution Rebuttal in Minnesota Criminal Trials - Court TV Video

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During closing arguments during criminal jury trials in Minnesota, Prosecutors have the burden of proof and must go first. Then, the Defense counsel gets to do the closing argument. The problem is, according the the rules, Prosecutors then get to do rebuttal. This can be extraordinarily dangerous for the Defense because they have the ability to bookend the Defense with their arguments on both sides. It can be confusing for the jury and also gives the Prosecution the first and the last word. Defense counsel needs to remember this as they prepare for trial.

Jack Rice appears on Court TV on 1/26/22 to discuss closing arguments and the potential for prosecution bookending. This issue is real and after almost 25 years, Jack has seen this happen again and again. If you are facing serious criminal charges in St. Paul or anywhere in Minnesota, contact Jack Rice Defense for a confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Watch Jack’s Appearance on Court TV


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