Criminal Defense Attorney on Why Drugs and Guns Could Mean Prison in Minnesota

The war on drugs has been raging for decades across the country and right here in Minnesota.  In the recent past, there have been some positive changes to address the incredible sentences that some might face for everything from simple possession all the way up to drug sales. That is the good news. The bad news is that if you are facing drug charges here in St. Paul or anywhere else in Minnesota and the government is alleging that you also possessed guns or other dangerous weapons, you could be facing mandatory prison sentencing under Minnesota Statute 609.11.

There are certainly possible defenses and ways to attack these kinds of allegations including contesting search warrants, identifying and cross examining so-called confidential reliable informants and contesting the drugs/guns connection. If you are facing serious criminal charges, contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447—7650 or 612-227-1339.  

“Possess drugs and guns, you could easily end up in a prison cell. That’s what the government is trying to say.” 

The real problem people charged with drugs and guns and other dangerous weapons face here in Minnesota is three-fold.  First, the Minnesota State Legislature has passed laws that make prison sentences mandatory.  Second, the Prosecutors have decided to aggressively prosecute these cases.  Finally, the Judges have continued to as aggressively sentence them.  As a result, these three parts have come together to create the perfect trap.    

Simply put, if you have drugs and guns, you could easily end up in a prison cell, even if this is a first offense and you have no prior record at all. If you are facing felony drug charges in St. Paul, Ramsey County or anywhere else in Minnesota, you really need a good attorney.  Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Drugs and Dangerous Weapons - Mandatory Minimum Sentencing

If you are facing any felony drug charges in Minnesota and you are also alleged to have a dangerous weapon (not a gun), you can face a mandatory year and a day in prison.  This may be true even with a trace amount of certain drugs.  Even worse, if you were previously convicted of a similar charge, there is a mandatory 36 months to serve in prison.  This is even worse in the event that this is a firearm.

Drugs and Firearms - Mandatory Minimum Sentencing

If you are facing any felony drug charges and the government claims that you also possessed a firearm, you may very likely face mandatory prison time.  For a first offense felony drug charge while in possession of a firearm, there is a mandatory 36 months in prison to serve.  In the event that this is a second offense, there is a mandatory 60 months you could be required to serve in prison.  

Felon in Possession of a Firearm - Mandatory Minimum Sentencing

If you have a prior felony that makes you ineligible to possess a firearm or ammunition and you are charged with drug possession with a firearm, even if this is a first time charge, it is likely you will be charged not only with the drug offense with the firearm element but also with Felon in Possession of a Firearm.  This last charge alone comes with a mandatory 60 month commit to prison.  

If you are facing drug charges and the State alleges that you also possessed a dangerous weapon or a firearm, you absolutely need an experienced criminal defense attorney.  Jack Rice is is an award criminal defense attorney, just recently being honored as the Minnesota Attorney of the Year.  Here is a former prosecutor, a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, and the founder of Jack Rice Defense. Contact Jack for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.


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