What is an Expungement in Minnesota?

Expungement in Minnesota is a legal process that allows people to have certain criminal records sealed or erased from public view. When a record is expunged, it becomes unavailable for public access from government websites and their public records and should not appear in background checks conducted by employers, landlords, or other entities. If you a made a mistake in your past, sit down with a Minnesota expungement attorney with the experience and team to help you fix it.

“If you made a mistake in your past and you want to fix it, may not is the time to sit down with an experienced Minnesota expungement attorney.”

The purpose of expungement is to give people with a past criminal record a chance to move forward without the limitations, barriers and stigma that come with a criminal history. In fact, it may be extraordinarily helpful when you are seeking jobs, a career, housing, schooling and other opportunities. One of the reasons an expungement can be so important is that it allows you to come to the table with a clean record and with a background that reflects the kind of person you are now.

Recent Change in Minnesota Expungement Laws

Minnesota expungements has changed over the years. There was a dramatic change back in 2015 and then more changes as recently as this year that may dramatically impact your ability to get an expungement for crimes that were simply unavailable previously. In Minnesota, the expungement process is governed by state law, specifically Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 609A. The criteria and procedures for expungement can be extremely complex and they have different waiting periods based upon the serous of the charge as well as the kind of resolution that was involved. As a result, it is advisable to consult with an experienced attorney who specializes in criminal law and expungement to help guideline you through this extraordinarily important process.

“One of the reasons an expungement is so important is that allows you to come to the table with a clean record and with a background that reflects the kind of person you are now.”

Before sitting down with your attorney, it is helpful to collect your records as well as all convictions and other relevant information. These are all going to be necessary and even required before it is possible to move forward. Further, make sure you find an experienced expungement attorney you can trust. They will need you to open up with them about the circumstances and about the other issues in your life that reflect how this old decision simply doesn’t elect who you are anymore. In the end, make sure they are there to help you, not judge you.

Jack Rice is a nationally known and experienced Minnesota criminal defense and expungement attorney. He is also a former prosecutor, a former CIA Officer and Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. When your life is on the line, Jack Rice Defense.


Unlocking Opportunities: Let Jack Rice Defense Help Expunge Your Record


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