Defending Against Child Pornography Charges in St. Paul and Ramsey County

a stairwell in a building with metal bars - Child Pornography Charges in St. Paul

Facing child pornography charges in St. Paul and Ramsey County is an extremely serious matter, with significant legal ramifications under both state and federal law in Minnesota. If you or someone you know is dealing with accusations related to any sex crime in Minnesota, it’s essential to prioritize your reputation and future. For a confidential consultation, connect with Jack Rice Defense, a firm focused on sex crimes defense. Call our 24-hour hotline at (651) 447-7650 for immediate assistance.

“The kinds of charges are some of the most difficult to defend against while at the same time most aggressively prosecuted. Having experienced counsel is critical.”

Understanding the Legal Landscape

Minnesota’s laws regarding child pornography encompass several areas: possession, distribution, and production. It is vital to remember that an arrest does not equate to guilt. Mistakes can occur, and aggressive prosecution can lead to wrongful charges. Knowing and defending your rights is crucial.

In Minnesota, possession of child pornography is classified as a felony, which can lead to a prison sentence of up to five years and a maximum fine of $5,000. Distribution of child pornography can carry penalties of up to seven years and a $10,000 fine for a first-time offender, escalating to 10 years and a $20,000 fine if the act was done for profit. The first offense for producing child pornography can result in a maximum of 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine.

At the federal level, penalties for offenses related to the sexual exploitation of minors are even more severe. A conviction for possession often includes a mandatory minimum sentence of five years, with the possibility of longer incarceration depending on the specifics of the case.

Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Building a Strong Defense

Navigating child pornography charges requires a nuanced approach, and having skilled legal representation is essential. Potential defenses could include questioning the knowledge of possession, investigating alternative sources for the images, challenging the classification of the images as pornography, and assessing whether the individuals depicted were minors or digitally manipulated.

Impact of a Conviction

A conviction for a child pornography-related offense in Minnesota carries serious consequences. It necessitates registration as a predatory offender for at least 10 years and results in the loss of various rights, such as the ability to possess firearms, vote, or serve on a jury. Additionally, law enforcement may seize property used in connection with the offense, and non-citizens could face deportation upon conviction.

“Knowing what you face and what you can do about it is just the beginning.”


Confronting charges related to sex crimes is a daunting experience, with the state often seeking the maximum penalty. The complexity of digital forensic evidence can further complicate matters. If you or a loved one is facing charges related to possession, distribution, or production of child pornography, it is important to seek a free and confidential case evaluation from Jack Rice Defense. Reach out anytime at our 24-hour hotline: (651) 447-7650.


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