Do I Really Need a Criminal Defense Attorney in Minnesota?

If you have been accused of or charged with a crime in Minnesota, it is sometimes hard to understand what that means in the short and long term. This is true whether this is a DWI, a domestic assault, a sex crime or more. As a result, if you have been accused or charged of a crime in Minnesota, it is strongly recommended that you sit down with an experienced criminal defense attorney. Even more, make sure that they are a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist.

“If somebody is making allegations against you or if you have been charged with a crime, a good criminal defense attorney is worth every penny.”

How Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Help?

Having an experienced criminal lawyer beside you comes with a lots of benefits. These include:

  • Constitutional rights: An experienced attorney can protect your constitutional rights and make sure that in the event those rights were violated, they can take appropriate action. This could mean suppression of evidence or even dismissal of the case.

  • Legal advice: The criminal justice process can be complex. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you understand the charges, your options and the process before you at each stage along the way.

  • Building a strategy: An experienced advocate can look at the evidence, do further investigation and determine what steps to take. This is critical in determining the next course of action. This may include possible settlement negotiations or preparation for trial.

  • Representation before a Judge, Prosecutor and Jury: Sometimes, you never know how a case will proceed. It make be about fighting pretrial evidence before the Judge, negotiating with the prosecutor or preparing factual questions as you ramp up for trial. Regardless, this representation can make all of the difference.

“Because criminal charges can be catastrophic, make sure you have the best criminal defense attorney by your side.”

Simply put, knowing where you are going and how you get there is critical. An experienced Minnesota criminal defense attorney can help you get there. Some of these decisions must be made early in a case, some happen later as you approach or are in the trial itself. If you are facing criminal charges in Minnesota, it is highly recommended that you seek the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney.

Go with the Best

Jack Rice is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and a nationally known and respected criminal defense attorney. Jack is also a former prosecutor, former CIA Officer, and Founder of Jack Rice Defense. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.


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