Facing a Murder Charge? Why Jack Rice Defense Should be Your First Choice.

Facing a murder charge could easily be the most frightening and frustrating experience you will ever face. You know what is at stake. If things go poorly, this could spell the end of your family, your career, your future, your life. So what do you do? First thing is to find an experienced criminal defense attorney to stand by your side. However, what characteristics should you be looking for?

“Murder charges can be extraordinarily complex. Make sure you have a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist in your corner.”

When determining the capabilities of any defense firm, including their suitability for handling a murder charge as important as yours, it is essential to consider multiple factors:

  • Experience: Law school doesn’t teach you how to be a great criminal defense attorney. Yes, it takes education but also specialized ongoing education and also experience. This doesn’t happen overnight. It can take decades. Make sure your defense firm has tried many cases including murder cases and has the expertise to navigate the complexities of a murder case.

  • Reputation: Some things only happen over years. A reputation is like that. Check out what people are saying about the firm. Google is always a great starting point. Client reviews and peer rating and testimonials can absolutely help.

  • Specialization: Lawyers work in a wide range of areas and some may take anything that comes through the doors. Make sure that your attorney works exclusively in the area of criminal defense. Even further, if you can find a criminal defense attorney who is also a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, this could be huge. Less than 3% of all criminal defenses attorneys in Minnesota carry this designation.

  • Resources: Defending a murder charge takes substantial resources. Make sure the firm has the right attorney, investigator and support staff to provide sufficient attention to your case. This is the only way to build a strong and robust defense.

  • Client-Centered Approach: Communication is key. Your attorney needs to understand where you are and what you need. It goes two directions and working collaboratively is critical to success. Understanding what you attorney is doing is equally important. How do you stay in contact? How do you look at discovery? How do you look at motions? What is coming next? All of these things matter.

  • Confidentiality: Confidentiality is always critical when defending a client. Make sure that your attorney has a way of encrypting communications and also providing a system for sharing both communications as well as documents and other discovery. This ensures confidentiality and also protects sensitive information.

“A success murder defense requires a collaboration between client and attorney. Only together can you get where you need to be.”

Because a murder charge is so complex and important, make sure that you speak with multiple firms to find the best fit for you. After all, this is frequently a very collaborative effort and if you and your criminal defense attorney do not connect and understand one another, it is likely you when get the kind of outcome that you are seeking. In the end, the decision you make may be one of the most important in your like it is critical that you make the right decision.

Jack Rice is a nationally recognized and respected criminal defenses attorney based in St. Paul, Minnesota. He does nothing but criminal defense work and has tried everything from serious assaults to murder. He is a former prosecutor, former CIA Officer and is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. He founded Jack Rice Defense before the turn of the century to represent those facing some of the most serious charges in Minnesota. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. When your life is on the line, Jack Rice Defense.


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