How Important is it that a Defendant Connects with the Jury? Ask Johnny Depp. Court TV Video

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Facts matter in jury trials. Evidence matters too. After all, these are the things that a jury is going to look at to determine an outcome. And yet, a frequently dismissed requirement is the importance of a defendant connecting with a jury. If you are facing serious charges, contact an experienced Minnesota criminal defense attorney.

In the Johnny Depp defamation trial, Johnny's sister was the first person to take the stand and Johnny took the stand the next week. The purpose of this was absolutely to allow him to connect with the jury not just as an A-list actor but as a human being. If he can get the jury to empathize with him and his position, it can go a long way in bringing a positive outcome for his camp. That is one of the reasons he decided to take the stand. That is also one of the reasons to put his sister on the stand. Jack Rice appears on Court TV to discuss the importance of his clients connecting with the jury.

If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, the importance in connecting with a jury cannot be overemphasized. Make sure that you sit down with an experienced criminal defense attorney.

Jack Rice is a former prosecutor, former U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Officer, Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and Founder of Jack Rice Defense. Contact us for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Watch Jack’s Interview on Court TV


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