How Important is the Length of Time Your Criminal Defense Attorney has Practiced?

When you are seeking to retain a criminal defense attorney in Minnesota, there are a lot of factors that come into play. One of those factors may be the length of time that they have been practicing. Regardless, if you are facing charges, sit down with the best and most experienced Minnesota criminal defense lawyer that you can find.

“Length of time practicing is one of multiple factors to consider when retaining a criminal defense attorney.”

How Important is Length of Time Practicing?

How long a criminal defense attorney has practiced may be an important factor to consider when retaining a lawyer. There is an old phrase ”practice makes perfect” that may come into play here. Benefits of more time practicing may include:

  • A greater understanding of the legal system.

  • More actual trial experience.

  • More experience navigating the courtroom procedures used in various jurisdictions across Minnesota.

  • Having a personal relationship with the different prosecutors and their personalities and quirks. Believe it or not, this make a difference. This could make a difference in terms of negotiating.

  • Your lawyer, for good and bad, has more time to develop a reputation for competency, capability, ethics and more.

While this is all certainly the case, length of time practicing in itself is not the be-all and end-all. It can include a lot of other factors including:

  • Client recommendations

  • Reputation in the Court system.

  • Case outcomes.

  • Experience handling cases exactly like the kind that you might be facing. .

“There is an old phrase ”practice makes perfect” that may come into play here.”

If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, consider you case and the kind of lawyer you need at your side. Jump online and look what other people may be saying about the criminal defense attorney. One place to start of simply doing a Google search and see what pops up. In the end, take your time and hire the right Minnesota criminal defense attorney for you.

Jack Rice is a former prosecutor, former CIA Officer and Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. He has been practicing as a former prosecutor and criminal defense attorney for more than 25 years. He is also the Founder of Jack Rice Defense, a boutique criminal defense firm based in St. Paul, Minnesota. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. Jack’s got your back.


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