In the realm of criminal justice in Minnesota, witness tampering is an extraordinarily serious criminal charge. These are sometimes tied to other charges and subsequent actions involving those underlying charges such as sex crimes, domestic violence cases and other serious criminal charges. If you find yourself accused of witness tampering, even inadvertently, it is crucial to seek immediate legal assistance. The seasoned professionals at Jack Rice Defense are here to provide you with the support and guidance you need.

“Allegations of witness tampering can be more serious than the original charges.”

Tampering with a Witness

To convict somebody of witness tampering, there are multiple considerations. The two very common ones include:

  1. Intent: It is about intentionally preventing or dissuading a witness to testify truthfully;

  2. The level of threat: The amount of threat used to convince somebody not to testify or to charge their testimony.

Possible Charges for Witness Tampering

There are multiple charges that somebody may face for witness tampering. These include:

  1. Aggravated 1st Degree Felony Witness Tampering

  2. 1st Degree Felony Witness Tampering

  3. 2nd Degree Gross Misdemeanor Witness Tampering

  4. 3rd Degree Misdemeanor Witness Tampering

Possible Sentences for Witness Tampering

If you are convicted of witness tampering, you may face serious charges that come with real jail time. These include:

  1. Aggravated 1st Degree Felony Witness Tampering - Up to 20 years in prison and up to a $30,000 fine.

  2. 1st Degree Felony Witness Tampering - Up to 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine.

  3. 2nd Degree Gross Misdemeanor Witness Tampering - Up to 1 year in jail and a $3000 fine.

  4. 3rd Degree Misdemeanor Witness Tampering - Up to 90 days in jail and a $1000 fine.

How Do You Defend a Witness Tampering Charge?

The State has the burden to prove that you committed any crime. This includes witness tampering. That being said, a skilled defense attorney can employ various strategies to defend against these serious charges. It takes experience, talent, intelligence and a skilled team to be successful. Not all defense attorneys are the same. Make sure you go with the best Minnesota defense attorney possible.

“Not all defense attorneys are the same. Make sure you go with the best Minnesota defense attorney possible.”


In the face of witness tampering allegations, swift and effective legal representation is your best defense. The seasoned professionals at Jack Rice Defense possess the expertise and commitment to safeguard your rights and guide you through the complexities of the legal process. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. Don't leave your future to chance - enlist the support of a dedicated defense team today


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