Increased Law Enforcement Expected Over the Thanksgiving Holidays - Don’t Get Arrested


As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, it is really easy to get caught up in the festivities. And yet, it is also important to remember that law enforcement agencies are gearing up for their annual holiday DWI enforcement wave to reduce impaired driving and ensure the safety of our roads. This important campaign, extending until New Year's Eve, involves numerous law enforcement agencies across the state and right here in the Twin Cities as well. With more money from a grant by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, law enforcement officers will be on high alert, actively looking for drivers impaired by various substances, including cannabis. If you get arrested, make sure you consult with an experienced DWI attorney.

“Don’t get arrested but if you do, you know where to find us.”

Prosecuting Impaired Drivers

Impaired driving is a serious issue that poses a grave risk to public safety during the holiday season. During Thanksgiving, with increased travel and festivities, the potential for impaired driving incidents rises. It is crucial to take proactive measures to ensure the safety of all road users.

The added enforcement measures, funded by the grant, enable law enforcement agencies to put more cops on the road dedicated to detecting and apprehending impaired drivers. By increasing their presence on the roads, these officers are on the hunt. They are looking for people under the influence by any substance, including cannabis.

Awareness of Cannabis Impairment

Cannabis, while legal to use and possess in many states, including Minnesota, becomes a concern when individuals choose to drive under its influence. Just as driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal, driving under the influence of cannabis falls under the same category. The goal of law enforcement agencies is not to curb the responsible use of cannabis but to discourage and prevent individuals from operating vehicles while impaired.

Responsible Transportation and Storing Cannabis

Similar to laws governing the transportation of alcohol, open containers of cannabis or products containing THC should be secured in a vehicle's trunk. This measure is in place to ensure that drivers do not have easy access to these items while operating a vehicle. The police will get you if they can. Keep all of this in mind.

“Law enforcement will have more squads on the street and they are looking for people under the influence. Remember this when you get behind the wheel.”


As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, don’t forget the resources law enforcement is pouring into this effort. Further, the ramifications of a DWI, whether by alcohol or any other substance can be enormous. As you spend time with friends and family, don’t lose site of alternatives to driving if you can help it.

Jack Rice is a nationally known criminal defense attorney and a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and Founder of Jack Rice Defense. If you are facing serious criminal charges including a DWI, contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation. You can also reach out at 651-447-7650 or 612-227-133939. When your life is on the line, make sure Jack Rice Defense is by your side.


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