Jack Appears on the Times of London Morning Show to Discuss Chauvin Trial

When George Floyd died under the knee of Derek Chauvin in the street at the corner of 38th and Chicago in South Minneapolis on May 25, 2020, the only thing that made it unusual is that there was a video tape of the entire event. How it happened and why it happened will be decided by a jury starting today in a downtown Minneapolis courtroom.

That video has since traveled the globe. It was seen in every part of this planet and this planet has continued to watch with interest. Remember it is not just about this trial but about the underlying question or whether the American legal system is racist and unfair toward a massive swath of its own people.

Having taught Rule of Law all over the world including Uganda, Kenya, Tunisia, South Sudan, Russia, Republic of Georgia, Thailand and more, Jack has seen first hand what happens when people don’t buy into their country’s legal systems. In many ways, it is the beginning of the end.

Jack Rice will appear on the Times of London morning show today to discuss the Floyd trial and race in the criminal justice system in America. What a privilege.

Jack Rice is the founder of Jack Rice Defense, a former prosecutor, Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, and an award winning, nationally known criminal defense attorney based in St. Paul.


Jack Rice Appears in Newsweek to talk Chauvin Trial Opening Statements - Jack Rice


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