Jack Rice to Teach Trial Advocacy Skills at National Institute of Trial Advocacy in June 2024

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In a move that underscores his commitment to legal excellence and mentorship, Jack Rice, renowned criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor, will be teaching trial advocacy skills for the National Institute of Trial Advocacy (NITA) this June. Scheduled from June 3, 2024 to June 6, 2024, the "Building Trial Skills: Minnesota" course will take place at the prestigious Mitchell Hamline School of Law, located at 875 Summit Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55105.

The opportunity to gain insights from an excellent lineup up practicing attorneys like Jack Rice is invaluable for aspiring attorneys aiming to navigate the complexities of courtroom dynamics. Rice’s involvement with NITA fore more than a decade is a testament to his proficiency in trial advocacy and his dedication to nurturing the next generation of legal professionals. If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, reach out to Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

“The strength of NITA is their philosophy of learning by doing. This isn’t just academic. Lawyers are on their feet.”

Why This Matters: Elevating Advocacy Excellence

For over fifty years, NITA has established itself as the premier organization for teaching trial advocacy, known for its robust, hands-on approach. The institute's learn-by-doing method guarantees that attendees do not merely listen to theory but actively practice and refine their skills in a supportive environment.

Jack Rice's role as an instructor offers an exceptional chance for participants to learn from his extensive real-world experience. As a lawyer who has handled a multitude of trials, Rice brings practical insights and advanced strategies that are crucial for aspiring trial attorneys. His involvement in this program benefits not only participants but also enhances his own skills and versatility as a trial lawyer.

Transformative Learning Experience

The "Building Trial Skills: Minnesota" course is meticulously designed to enhance essential trial advocacy skills through immersive practice and expert feedback. Participants will engage in crucial aspects of trial preparation and courtroom execution including:

  • Delivering persuasive opening statements and closing arguments.

  • Maximizing the effectiveness of direct examination.

  • Mastering the admission and use of exhibits.

  • Honing cross-examination skills and learning to impeach witnesses effectively.

Jack Rice will lead some of the participants through these core components, sharing real-world applications and offering personalized coaching. His expert instruction ensures that each attendee leaves the course more confident and capable in their trial advocacy capabilities.

NITA’s Unique Learning Approach

The NITA method stands out due to its emphasis on practical, experience-based learning. Participants will simulate trial scenarios, allowing them to take calculated risks in a no-pressure environment. This method not only builds their confidence but also hones their skills through repetitions, corrections, and immediate feedback.

Jack Rice’s his practical guidance, combined with constructive critiques, will be invaluable for participants seeking to refine their skills. Additionally, the opportunity to observe and learn from fellow participants' performances enhances the collaborative learning environment.

Participants can also record their performances, aiding in self-assessment and allowing deeper insights into their presentation and courtroom demeanor.

Enhanced Outcomes for Litigators

While many cases settle before reaching trial, the skills honed in this NITA course are universally beneficial. Attorneys who are adept in trial advocacy tend to secure better outcomes for their clients throughout all phases of legal proceedings. By learning from a seasoned professional like Jack Rice, participants can refine skills that will greatly enhance their overall efficacy and performance as litigators.

“Its always important to sharpen your skills and to keep learning.”

Join Jack Rice and Elevate Your Advocacy Skills

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to learn from one of the best in the field. Under the guidance of Jack Rice and other expert faculty members, participants will:

  • Deliver role-play opening statements and closing arguments.

  • Conduct direct and cross-examinations.

  • Admit and use exhibits.

  • Receive tailored feedback from NITA’s top-tier faculty.

Additionally, course materials include the esteemed textbook "Modern Trial Advocacy: Analysis and Practice, Sixth Edition," and a specially crafted case file for the program.

Jack Rice’s involvement in this NITA program not only signifies a unique learning chance for participants but also reflects his continuous journey of personal and professional growth as a trial lawyer. By teaching at NITA, Rice is not only imparting knowledge but also refining his own skills, ensuring that his clients benefit from the sharpest and most up-to-date trial strategies.

Take charge of your trial advocacy skills under the expert guidance of Jack Rice and elevate your legal prowess to new heights. If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, make sure to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or cll 651-447-750 or 612-227-1339. When your life is on the lie, make sure Jack Rice Defense is by your side.


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