Watch Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney on MSNBC Covering Chauvin Trial

Click here to watch the video. The Derek Chauvin jury trial is scheduled to begin today in the Hennepin County Government Center in downtown Minneapolis. Since May 25, 2020, Minneapolis has been holding its collective breath until the next explosion and hoping for a positive resolution. For months last summer, we saw the explosions, the anger, the frustration, and maybe even a little hope. However, it all feels like it comes down to a solitary point - this trial.

Jury selection starts today and is expected to go three weeks. A Special Juror Questionnaire went out months ago and the effort to pick a fair jury is expected to be challenging indeed. After all, everybody has seen the tapes, heard never-ending coverage and has a lot of preconceived notions. At the same time, can you imagine anybody who hasn’t heard anything about it? They might be worse.

Click here to watch the video. Opening statements are scheduled to begin on March 29th and then we are off to the races. The trial will absolutely take weeks, maybe months, depending upon what happens inside the courtroom and maybe even what happens outside of it. We will see.

Jack Rice is a former prosecutor, Board Criminal Law Specialist and Criminal Defense Attorney. He has represented countless clients in this state and have stood in front of a huge number of juries. Jack will be following this like everybody else and we will see. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free consultation.

I appeared on MSNBC to talk about picking a jury. Click here to watch the video.


Listen to Jack’s Interview with WCCO Radio’s Adam Carter regarding the Chauvin Case


For the Chauvin Trial, the Courtroom Takes on a Whole New Look.