Minnesota Criminal Defense Lawyer Covers George Floyd Trial for MSNBC

With the George Floyd murder trial set to begin on March 8th, I'll appear on MSNBC on March 7th to bring viewers up to speed on the charges, the history, inside info about the players and what to expect. I should add that the City and State are obviously nervous about the public reaction to the trial as they have already earmarked about $35 million just for Courthouse security. This doesn't include a comparable amount set aside for Capitol security.


As a former prosecutor, Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and criminal defense attorney here in the Twin Cities, I have been in and out of these courtrooms for decades. This case promises to be historic so expect conversations about strategy, what you aren’t seeing and what may be just around the corner.

First up will be jury selection. See the special Juror Questionnaire sent out to all prospective jurors. Some of the questions highlight the challenge both the Prosecution and Defense will face trying to pick a jury who hasn’t already decided whether Chauvin did it or not.

Once a jury is picked, which will be a task in itself, then Openings by both Prosecution and Defense and then the State puts on its case. There are certainly some hints as to the approach by both sides so there is an immense amount to talk about. In a previous article, I looked at the initial Complaint and talked about the Prosecutor’s approach. Click here for a view of the Actual Complaint.

As a Minnesota Criminal Defense Lawyer, I’m looking forward to being a contributing commentator for MSNBC.

Jack Rice, the Founder of Jack Rice Defense is a former prosecutor, a former CIA Officer, a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and a Minnesota criminal defense attorney. Jack is available for free consultations.


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