Should You Talk to the Police During an Interrogation?

A table in a dark room - Jack Rice Defense

By Sullivan Rice

Clients often ask, “Should I talk to the police during an interrogation?” The answer is simple – it is almost always in your best interest to remain silent until you have legal counsel present. This topic is a cornerstone of criminal defense, yet it’s frequently misunderstood. Today, there needs to be light shed on this crucial aspect of our legal system.

Your Right to Remain Silent

First, let’s explore the legal foundation of your right to remain silent. The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states that no one “shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.” This principle, known as the right against self-incrimination, is embedded in the Miranda Rights. These rights, which must be read to you upon arrest, clarify that you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, and you have the right to an attorney.

Why This Right Matters

  • Preventing Self-Incrimination

Even innocent individuals can inadvertently incriminate themselves during interrogations. The high-stress environment can lead to misstatements, misinterpretations, or unintentional admissions that could be used against you.

  • Legal Counsel

Law enforcement officers are trained to extract information. They know the law better than most of us and know how to use it in their favor. Having a lawyer present ensures that your rights are protected and that you won’t be taken advantage of.

  • Preserving Evidence

Silence can prevent the distortion of your narrative. Anything you say, especially without an attorney present, might unintentionally contradict your defense later on. By remaining silent, you ensure your defense is presented in the most favorable light at the appropriate time.

  • Invoking Your Rights

Remember, invoking your right to remain silent is not an admission of guilt; it is merely an assertion of your constitutional rights. The onus is on the prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, not on you to prove your innocence.

You must clearly invoke your right to remain silent. Statements like “I choose to remain silent” or “I want my attorney” are unambiguous and invoke these rights. After such invocation, questioning should cease until you have a lawyer present.


The right to silence and legal representation is a cornerstone of our democracy and a critical component of our legal system. It safeguards individuals against potential abuses of power and is there for your protection.

If you find yourself facing interrogation, remember your rights, stay calm, and seek legal advice at the earliest opportunity. Always remember, your voice is your own, and so is your right to remain silent. Contact Jack Rice Defense to ensure your rights are protected and for expert legal guidance (651) 447-7650.


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