The Challenge in picking a "fair and impartial" jury. Criminal Atty Jack Rice explains on Court TV - Video

Watch Jack’s Appearance on Court TV

St. Paul, MN based criminal defense attorney Jack Rice appears on Court TV on 10/18/21 to discuss picking a fair and impartial jury and why it is so challenging. Consider it with the Ahmaud Arbery case where you have 3 white men chasing down and ultimately killing an unarmed black man and then add in the history of racism and you have an almost perfect storm.

If you are facing possible Minnesota criminal charges, you need to know what this could mean to your life and your future. Make no admissions and talk to an experienced criminal defense lawyer immediately.  

Jack Rice is the Founder of Jack Rice Defense.  He is a former prosecutor, Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and St. Paul based criminal defense attorney.  If you are concerned about a possible charge, sit down with Jack for a free confidential consultation.  

Watch Jack’s Appearance on Court TV


How jury trials have changed under COVID. Criminal Defense Attorney Jack Rice discusses on Court TV - Video


No Matter What, Competency is always a Requirement in a Criminal Trial - Video