The Police Want to Talk to Me in St. Paul. What Do I Do?

At Jack Rice Defense in St. Paul, Minnesota, Criminal Defense Attorney Jack Rice is a dedicated advocate for the rights of his clients. Jack believes every person has intrinsic value, and a single mistake shouldn't define anyone's life. He understands that it's easy to be caught in an unfortunate situation at an inopportune time, and he is committed to ensuring that falling into the criminal justice system is not inevitable. With a proactive and aggressive approach, Jack Rice Defense is prepared to defend and protect his clients every step of the way.

“The police want you to feel alone and powerless. It’s not true. We are here.”

Whether you or someone you care about has been arrested or is under investigation in Minnesota, it is imperative to obtain expert legal counsel from Jack Rice Defense. As a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and nationally known criminal defense attorney, Jack has devoted his career to supporting individuals in their most challenging moments.

Facing Investigations or Police Questioning: The instant you learn that you are targeted as a suspect or a "person of interest" in a criminal case, it is critical to retain legal representation. Many mistakenly believe they can resolve the situation by simply answering a few police questions. However, it’s crucial to understand that engaging with law enforcement without a lawyer can lead to no positive outcomes. If contacted by the police to speak or visit a local precinct for questioning, immediately reach out to Jack Rice Defense. We will meticulously prepare for the interview, ensuring you do not provide information that could potentially support the prosecution’s case against you.

“As soon as you learn that you are a person of interest, make sure you reach out to us. We may be able to help.”

If you find yourself facing serious criminal charges in St. Paul or anywhere in Ramsey County, contact Jack Rice Defense for a free, confidential consultation. Call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. When your freedom and future are at stake, ensure Jack Rice Defense is at your side.


Why Jack Rice Should Be Your Go-To St. Paul Attorney


Understanding Juvenile Rights in Ramsey County