Watch Jack’s Interview with WCCO’s Adam Carter Following 1st Day of Jury Selection in Chauvin Trial

Watch Jack’s Interview with WCCO’s Adam Carter Following 1st Full Day of Jury Selection in Chauvin Trial

Jury selection is one of the most important parts of a criminal jury trial. If you are able to get the right jury, one that understands the world that you present to them, that is half the battle. Jack has been trying cases before juries for decades and have also been teaching lawyers across the country exactly how to do this.

There are a lot of strategies of jury selection besides finding the right jurors. It is also about protecting them from being struck for cause by the judge and even about forcing the opposing side to use their own strikes.

Jack Rice Defense has been handling criminal cases in Minnesota since the 1990s. Standing before jury after jury after jury is sometimes the only way to really know how to do this. If you need criminal defense help, contact Jack Rice Defense for a free consultation.

Watch Jack’s Interview with WCCO’s Adam Carter Following 1st Full Day of Jury Selection in Chauvin Trial


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