What Do I Do If I’m Charged with Interference with a 911 Call in Minnesota?

Being charged with almost any criminal defense in Minnesota can be a problem. However, if you are charged with something that may be “assault related,” It could be much much worse.  Being charged with Interference with a 911 call is exactly that and it it critical that you take the charge seriously. If you are charged with Interference with a 911 call of a related assault charge, you need to consultation with an experienced Minnesota criminal defense attorney.

“The problem with these kinds of charges is they can make you seem dangerous just because of the allegation. Imagine a conviction.”

What are the Ramifications of Interference with a 911 call?

If you are charged with Interference with a 911 call, the ramifications may be severe.  You could face:

  • A Gross Misdemeanor Criminal Conviction;

  • Up to 1 year in jail;

  • Up to a $3000.00 fine.

What Steps Should I take if I get Charged with Interference with a 911 Call in Minnesota?

Anytime you are charged with a criminal offense, you need to take it seriously.  Interference with a 911 call charges are no different.  Here are a few of the steps that you should take in the event that you are charged:

  • Retain the best criminal defense attorney you can find.  Make sure that the attorney understands the law, the facts and has experience handling these kinds of cases.  It would help if they also understand the County in which you are charged as well as the prosecutor who may be handling the case.;

  • Start an Investigation: Make sure that your lawyer understands the facts in the case and can understand possible witness testimony and evidence that may help or hurt you.  Both are important.;

  • Attend Court:  There is a whole series of court appearances that you may be required to attend including a first appearance, an omnibus hearing, a contested omnibus appearances, a pretrial and more.  Your attorney can prepare you for what to expect.;

  • Contemplate a Trial or a Possible Plea Agreement:  Every case is different and it is important that your attorney figure out a winning strategy. That being said, there are some cases where a negotiated plea is simply the better option.  You won’t know until you are in the middle of the case.  Regardless, you are the one who gets to decide which direction to take your case.   

Go with the Best

Because every case is unique, understanding the dynamics of the case, the allegations and the witnesses can matter a great deal. Also, the ramifications of settling versus going to trial also needs to be considered.  There are some cases where going to trial is the only option. There are other cases when it might be the last option.  It is important to know the differences before you decide what to do.  This decision may impact the rest of your life. A good criminal defense attorney can help advise you in the process.   

“This decision may impact the rest of your life. A good criminal defense attorney can help.”

Jack Rice of the Founder of Jack Rice Defense, a boutique criminal defense firm based in St. Paul, Minnesota.  Jack is also a former prosecutor, former CIA Officer and a nationally known and award winning criminal defense attorney. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.


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