What Happens if I’m Put on Probation in St. Paul, Minnesota?
If you are charged with a crime in St. Paul or the surrounding cities in Ramsey County including Maplewood, Roseville, Shoreview and New Brighton, it is important to understand what the State can do to you. While jail and prison is possible, depending upon the charge, another possibility could be probation.
An experienced Ramsey County criminal defense attorney can help you understand if probation is an option rather than jail or prison as well as the requirements that may come with probation. For more, contact an experienced St. Paul criminal defense attorney immediately.
So, What Exactly is Ramsey County Probation Anyway?
While there are many different forms of punishment in St. Paul or Ramsey County criminal courts, probation is actually one of those forms of punishment. It is the sentencing Judge who determines the conditions of probation as well as the length of probation. An experienced criminal defense attorney can be helpful in limiting the terms as well as the length of time of probation. The same sentencing Judge may also “hang time over your head” so that if you violate the conditions that they establish, you could face that time. An experienced Ramsey County Criminal Defense Attorney can help with that as well. The Ramsey County probation number is 651-266-2680.
What Are the Probation Conditions in Ramsey County, MN?
Common Conditions of Probation
While the conditions vary from case to case in Ramsey County, some of the most common requirements include:
A Fine and surcharge. There is an $86 surcharge added to every criminal conviction.
No same or similar offenses
Remain law abiding
Stay in contact with probation
Being employed
Complete school
Community work service
Can’t leave Minnesota with prior probation permission
DWI Cases
For DWI and DWI related cases in St. Paul, Maplewood, Roseville and more, additional requirements may include:
Chemical Dependency Evaluation, sometimes called a Rule 25
Attend an alcohol or drug treatment program
No use provision for drugs and alcohol
Random testing requirement
MADD Victim Impact Panel
Drug Cases
For Drug cases across Ramsey County, additional requirements may include:
Chemical Dependency Evaluation, sometimes called a Rule 25
Attend a drug treatment program
No use provision for drugs and alcohol
Random testing requirement
No possession or control of weapons
Domestic Assault
For Domestic Assault related cases in St. Paul and the rest of Ramsey County, additional requirements may include:
Anger assessment
Domestic assault treatment program
No Contact Order
No use of drugs or alcohol
Random testing requirement
No possession or control of weapons
Sex Crimes
For sex crimes related cases, additional requirements may include:
Psychosexual evaluation
Psychological evaluation
No contact orders
Stay away orders
Sex Offender registration
No access to internet
No use of sexually explicit materials
No possession or control of weapons
The lists above are absolutely not exhaustive. The Courts frequently add a lot more requirements, In Ramsey County where the County can be particularly brutal for sex crimes, the amount of oversight can be extreme and the list of requirements may go on and on and on.
What Are the Different Types of Probation in St. Paul?
Ramsey County Courts generally have two different kinds of probation.
Supervised probation: This requires contact with the probation office or sometimes to a specific probation officer. They oversee that you fulfill your probationary requirements.
Unsupervised probation: This is sometimes called probation to the Court. You are not assigned to probation or to a probation officer. Generally, this means that you pay your fines, if any, and then your only obligation is to remain law abiding and that you don’t have to do anything beyond that. At the end of probation, so long as you have not picked up any new charges out convictions, your obligations of sentence are complete.
What Happens on Probation in St. Paul, MN?
If you are placed on probation in Ramsey County, it may start with a telephone call to establish all of the conditions that you must fulfill. The Ramsey County probation number is 651-266-2680. You may also be assigned to a specific probation officer with whom you are supposed to meet. This typically happens earlier in the process to make sure that you are on track. After some time, it is possible that you may only have sporadic meeting to address particular issues. It is important that you try to develop a good working relationship with your probation officer as this person can have a lot of power of your life during this period of time.
It is also possible that you will just be placed on a more general probation with a regular requirement to call in and update probation via message what you have completed, what has changed, and any other issues of concern to probation.
In the event that you violate any of the conditions of probation, your probation officer may either adjust the terms of probation and set more requirements or they can ask for a summons or warrant for a probation violation. For more on what comes next:
If I’m Placed on Probation in Minnesota, What Kinds of Probation Requirements Should I Expect?
What are Some of the Common Probation Violations in Minnesota?
What Can the Judge Do to Me if I Violate my Probation in Minnesota?
An experienced Ramsey County criminal defense attorney can work with your probation officer and even with the prosecutor and Ramsey County judge to address these issues and also protect your rights. They can also advocate for you at a probation revocation hearing and try to help you avoid having your probation revoked.
How Long Is Probation?
Probation is determined by the sentencing Ramsey County sentencing judge. However, there are statutory maximums along with exceptions for certain types of cases that will always apply depending upon the level of offense including:
Felony Convictions: Up to Four years or for the duration of the maximum sentence for the crime charged, whichever is the longer term.
Gross Misdemeanors Convictions: Up to Six years with exceptions;
Misdemeanor Convictions: Up to Fours years with exceptions.
Go with the Best St. Paul and Ramsey County Criminal Defense Attorney
If you are facing multiple criminal charges and are facing serious time, sit down with an experienced St. Paul criminal defense attorney in Minnesota. These kinds of resolutions are possible but it takes time, effort and expertise.
Jack Rice is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, former prosecutor and former U.S. Federal Officer. Jack is also the founder of Jack Rice Defense, a boutique criminal defense firm based in St. Paul, Minnesota. If you are facing serious criminal charges, contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.