What’s Divorce Got to Do with It? Ask a Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney

I can’t count the number of times that I have seen this. I’m sitting in a small windowless jail cell across from a man in an orange jumpsuit. They look at me with this combination of fear, frustration and exhaustion. As I look at the charges they face, I regularly see DWI charges, a domestic assault, threats of violence or something similar. As I talk with them, I regularly find that many of these people typically share three significant characteristics:

  1. They are older - 30s and up;

  2. They have no prior criminal record (they aren’t criminals);

  3. They are going through a divorce or significant breakup.

If this sounds familiar, an experienced criminal defense attorney can tell you your rights, talk to you about options and figure out the next steps to take.

“What has changed in your life? Why now? These questions matter but they may help provide the answer in your case.”

What Does My Age, My Lack of a Record and a Divorce Have to Do with Being Charged with a Crime?

How did we get here?  It is a question that sometimes comes to mind as I sit down with some of my clients. When I’m dealing with somebody who is older and has no record and all of of a sudden is facing serious criminal charges for the first time in their life, I have to ask myself, what has changed?  What is going on in their life that took them down this path?  Frequently, divorce or a significant breakup is where we land.

What’s Divorce Got to Do with It.

Divorce, even the best, most amicable divorce, can throw people off of their game. There are certainties in life that keep us doing the things we do.  When divorce finds it way into the room, your personal life, your living situation, your relationships with all of the people you love may start to feel untethered, out of balance. To make matters worse, this untethered, unbalanced situation can easily move into every other area of your life. Of course, we can’t forget the emotions and how some of us handle all of this which may include alcohol and drugs.

“It makes total sense to me when I hear clients tell me that ‘this isn’t me.’ I get it. It isn’t.”

Emotions and Substances

Because divorce can be so devastating, it is natural that we all try to find ways to cope.  However, sometimes, those efforts result in choices that may seem logical at the time but may actually exacerbate the situation.  Then, add the ongoing requirements that come with life, like driving, working and trying to keep life together while also dealing with a soon-to-be ex and it doesn’t take a genius to see where things might go very wrong, very fast.   

What Charges Might I Face?

While almost any criminal charge is possible in Minnesota, there are a series of charges that I have seen that those who fall into this small group of people face. These include:

“Having a lawyer by your side who understands and gets it can make all of the difference.”

Go With the Best

If you are facing a serious criminal charges in Minnesota and this circumstance sounds familiar to you. it is important that you speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney. St. Paul based Terroristic Threats Attorney and Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist Jack Rice has been representing clients facing these serious charges for decades. Jack can talk to you about your rights, what you are facing, and to make sure you understand the ramifications of what these kinds of charges can mean. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339  


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