When a Police Officer Stops You for DWI, What Signs of Intoxication are They Looking for?

Police officers stop countless people everyday in Minnesota and across the the United States because they suspect that the driver may be drunk or “under the influence” Because of this, as they walk up to the car and before they even ask for your license and insurance or ask you why you think they stopped you, they are looking for a long list of clues to help prove that you might be under the influence. If you are facing DWI charges in St. Paul, Minneapolis, Bloomington, or anywhere else in the Twin Cities or Minnesota, it is important to consult with an experienced Minnesota DWI Defense Attorney.

“A lot of so-called signs of intoxication may just as easily be explained as something completely innocent. “

What are Some of the Signs of Intoxication?

While this is not a complete list, here are some of the common signs that officers may use to indicate intoxication. They may include:

  1. Slurred speech: Intoxicated drivers may struggle with speaking clearly, mumbling or slurring their words.

  2. Odor of alcohol: The police officer may smell alcohol coming from the person or from inside the vehicle.

  3. Bloodshot, glassy or watery eyes: In some people, alcohol can cause the blood vessels in the eyes to dilate, making the eyes appear to be bloodshot or watery.

  4. Failure to Comprehend: Alcohol can impact a person’s ability to understand and comprehend instructions. It can also slow their reaction time.

  5. Impaired coordination: An intoxicated driver may have trouble standing, walking, or balancing. Officers watch for people leaning on car doors and the car itself. This can result in instability on their feet. This is why they ask for field sobriety tests.

  6. Poor judgment: Alcohol can impair an individual's ability to make sound decisions, and an intoxicated driver may take unnecessary risks or make reckless choices.

  7. Aggressive or argumentative behavior: Alcohol can make some people more aggressive and even lower their inhibitions. As a result, some intoxicated people will be more argumentative and confrontational.

  8. General appearance: Officers will notice dirty or soiled clothing, missing shoes or other signs.

“Every observation the officer makes, right or wrong, likely ends up in that police report and they are all designed to support a conviction.”

Remember, this is a limited list and the officer will likely look for anything that catches their attention and if they can find a way to connect that to alcohol use and intoxication, they likely will. Also, they will likely be doing field sobriety tests (FST’s) to also look at all of these issues. As importantly, all of these observations will rely end up in a police report to support the arrest. However, just because the officer makes an observation doesn’t mean that they are accurate of, more importantly, that you are actually under the influence of alcohol Make sure the you consult with an experienced Minnesota DWI Defense Attorney.

Go with the Best

Jack Rice is a nationally known as respected DWI Defense attorney, a former prosecutor, a former CIA Officer and a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. Jack is also the Founder of Jack Rice Defense, a boutique criminal defense firm located in the Dacotah Building on Cathedral Hill in St. Pal, Minnesota. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential constellation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. Jack’s got your back.


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