When Choosing a Criminal Defense Attorney, How Much Does Experience Matter?

If you are looking for a great criminal defense attorney, there are a lot of factors to consider. However, one factor is experience. The amount of time a Minnesota criminal defense attorney has practiced can be a significant factor and important, but it isn’t the only factor. If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

“If you do this a long time, you see a lot of things and might even pick up a few tricks along the way.”

A criminal defense attorney who has been practicing for a longer period of time may have more knowledge, skill and actual experience than a newer lawyer. This is simply based upon time in the trenches. They may have had more direct knowledge with the legal system, the Judges that you may appear before, the prosecutors on the other side and maybe even the cops involved in your initial arrest. All of these things may be important. In addition, sometimes, experience precedes you as does credibility. If your criminal defense attorney has lots of both, when they walk into a courtroom, they will know how to work but people will know they know how to work. This all matters.

Of course, experience and time practicing isn’t everything. If your lawyer hasn’t done anything in those years, the time may not help. If fact, there are those times and those cases where you might want a different advocate. Every case is different and finding the right criminal defense attorney for your particularly case is critical. Take the time necessary to find the right match.

“Board Certifications can matter. Extensive trial experience can matter. Teaching can matter. Knowing all of the players in the room can matter.”

In the end, when choosing a great criminal defense attorney, there are multiple factors to consider. Experience, education, knowledge, communication skills, a track record of success, recommendations all matter. However, in the end, make sure that you work well with your criminal defense attorney. In the end, it is a partnership and if it doesn’t work, you may be in trouble.

Jack Rice is a nationally known, respected and award-winning criminal defense attorney. He is also a former prosecutor, former CIA Officer and a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. Contact Jack Rice Defesen for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. Jack’s got your back.


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